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The youtube purge

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  • #16
    So YouTube is going to fail because of their political stance, but you’re considering going back after your pedo partner screwed up your channel?

    The biggest audiences on YouTube go to kids unboxing toys, makeup tutorials and rap videos. Their political leanings aren’t going to hurt them one bit.


    • #17
      that is no shit. my three year old knows who ryan is. my wife had to then tell me ryan is some kid that plays with toys and is a billionaire now or some shit because he puts it on youtube. like "inluencers" that make money for nothing. kick my guidance counselor in the dick if i see that cunt again.

      i was irritated at first, but then i realized i am a fucking hypocriticizer because i watch people do stuff i like on youtube as well.

      o well. doug demuro looked at a vector. anyone remember those? the japanese boss drove one in raising sun.


      • #18
        Originally posted by BLAKE View Post
        So YouTube is going to fail because of their political stance, but you’re considering going back after your pedo partner screwed up your channel?

        The biggest audiences on YouTube go to kids unboxing toys, makeup tutorials and rap videos. Their political leanings aren’t going to hurt them one bit.
        Youtube is going to fail because of flat out censorship. They have been upsetting creators for years, but no one did anything because they want to get paid. With the COPPA stuff coming in January and the new rules out now, a lot of big channels that draw huge audiences are going to go away. The kids stuff is going to be demonetized, and people are going to be so scared to post anything slightly edgy for fear of getting your channel nuked. It's got the whole community spooked.

        My stuff was taken down by me because I nolonger want to be associated with the guy I was making videos with. I've been slowly going through those videos and re editing them to be able to still use a little of them. But really I should just focus on new stuff. I really just like making the videos, and such, for me it was never about the money. I'll still make videos, if not on youtube, than some other platform.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Stephen View Post
          The amount of commercials per video has gotten crazy
          Originally posted by Chili View Post
          I've noticed that too. What annoys me most is they play the same fucking ones over and over and over and over and over......
          you all are watching commercials? block that shit! i use uBlock Origin for computer and blokada for cell phone

          Originally posted by jammeejamm View Post
          that is no shit. my three year old knows who ryan is. my wife had to then tell me ryan is some kid that plays with toys and is a billionaire now or some shit because he puts it on youtube. like "inluencers" that make money for nothing. kick my guidance counselor in the dick if i see that cunt again.

          i was irritated at first, but then i realized i am a fucking hypocriticizer because i watch people do stuff i like on youtube as well.

          o well. doug demuro looked at a vector. anyone remember those? the japanese boss drove one in raising sun.
          that vector he reviewed was wild!!!


          • #20
            Originally posted by 4bangen View Post
            Youtube is on it's way out. Tomorrow they push their new terms of use that is most likely going to silence most if not all conservative voices on the platform. Huge bummer, youtube is a huge part of my daily life. It's where I gained my following, and where I go when I need to learn to do something quick. It's also where I upload my daughters games so the team and their families can watch them.
            I signed up for bitchute, but is there any other platforms I should jump onto that any of you know of?
            There's several other video hosting sites. I think bitchute is the most well known, but iirc they haven't achieved full decentralization yet. There is another one that actually has, so the videos are forever. Make sure you keep the final version of each video on 3 different hard drives, at 3 different locations. Parent's house in a closet, at your workplace, a friend's house. That way whatever happens you'll always have a backup and you can just upload them all and start making money on whatever the platform happens to be. Make videos telling your following that you're also available on these other sites, cause youtube will likely be cutting you out. You'll want to watch these:



            Originally posted by BLAKE View Post
            So what I’m hearing is that the sky is falling.

            I think I’ll keep watching YouTube and keep avoiding politics and be fine.
            Won't work. It's not just politics, it's anything that some super moral progressive PTA mom/teacher might not like. So that's things that you like. You can count on the Youtube search being changed so that it won't come up with things that you search for. You're no longer going to be getting the most relevant results, not by a long shot. You're going to be getting results that they think you should see, because they want to educate you. If that cuts out some fishing videos, because that hurts the fish, and what about those poor little fish, then so be it. Also horror of horrors, that guy was wearing a maga hat and he mentioned the shooting range! Oh no fuck him, his videos are going straight to be back of the line. You'll find them on page 3463 of the search results. IF they decide to allow his videos into the search at all.

            Some people don't realize how sophisticated this programming is really getting. It can read what's on the hat. That's a maga hat. So now your channel has stopped growing. Now your face is forever remembered to have once been under a maga hat. And this is just the beginning, they're only going to develop greater and greater means of keeping you off of their platform. It's gotten so bad that it's affecting channels that have absolutely nothing to do with politics. They're banning or demonitizing all kinds of shit that really doesn't make any sense, and all the big creators are getting fed up.

            So you get unpersoned from their entire corporation. You don't think exactly like them, so they want nothing to do with you. But they're too cowardly to actually just come out and do it, so they'll shadow ban you. They'll still let you have a gmail account, but by god they're not going to help you make any money, in fact they're going to hinder you.
            Last edited by Gasser64; 12-14-2019, 12:36 PM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
              There's several other video hosting sites. I think bitchute is the most well known, but iirc they haven't achieved full decentralization yet. There is another one that actually has, so the videos are forever. Make sure you keep the final version of each video on 3 different hard drives, at 3 different locations. Parent's house in a closet, at your workplace, a friend's house. That way whatever happens you'll always have a backup and you can just upload them all and start making money on whatever the platform happens to be. Make videos telling your following that you're also available on these other sites, cause youtube will likely be cutting you out. You'll want to watch these:


              Won't work. It's not just politics, it's anything that some super moral progressive PTA mom/teacher might not like. So that's things that you like. You can count on the Youtube search being changed so that it won't come up with things that you search for. You're no longer going to be getting the most relevant results, not by a long shot. You're going to be getting results that they think you should see, because they want to educate you. If that cuts out some fishing videos, because that hurts the fish, and what about those poor little fish, then so be it. Also horror of horrors, that guy was wearing a maga hat and he mentioned the shooting range! Oh no fuck him, his videos are going straight to be back of the line. You'll find them on page 3463 of the search results. IF they decide to allow his videos into the search at all.

              Some people don't realize how sophisticated this programming is really getting. It can read what's on the hat. That's a maga hat. So now your channel has stopped growing. Now your face is forever remembered to have once been under a maga hat. And this is just the beginning, they're only going to develop greater and greater means of keeping you off of their platform. It's gotten so bad that it's affecting channels that have absolutely nothing to do with politics. They're banning or demonitizing all kinds of shit that really doesn't make any sense, and all the big creators are getting fed up.

              So you get unpersoned from their entire corporation. You don't think exactly like them, so they want nothing to do with you. But they're too cowardly to actually just come out and do it, so they'll shadow ban you. They'll still let you have a gmail account, but by god they're not going to help you make any money, in fact they're going to hinder you.
              Twitter and Facebook are looking into removing the ability to see how many likes you get on a post. That way they can shadow ban someone without them knowing right away they have lost their followers. They are openly pissed about 2016 and are doing all they can to stop the trump train in 2020.


              • #22
                My only real use for YouTube is tutorials, or product comparisons. How is there any liberal, or conservative slant on setting a carburetor float, or grouting tilework?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by 4bangen View Post
                  Twitter and Facebook are looking into removing the ability to see how many likes you get on a post. That way they can shadow ban someone without them knowing right away they have lost their followers. They are openly pissed about 2016 and are doing all they can to stop the trump train in 2020.
                  If you read between the lines of what trump says, I think he's got something nasty in the works for all these censorious tech companies. Anytime it comes up his answer is always "I can't say". Very direct and to the point. But even if he dashes their evil hopes and dreams, it could still take years to do it and your channel may be ruined by that time. Instead of growing and making you more and more money.

                  I'm considering learning SEO not only for google, but for others like Bing and DuckduckGo and Yahoo. But you gotta figure that since google has 90% of the market share, you'd only increase your revenue by 10% of whatever it is with Google. But then again, I think that's just the nature of the game. You make sure that you are everywhere you can possibly be. And you just keep doing it and getting better and better, until you look up 5 years from now and you're making a decent living at it.


                  • #24
                    Don't forget your tin foil hats!


                    • #25
                      The problem is that the rules are, once again, vague. YT can pretty much slam anyone with these new rules. I can’t wait to see what happens YT channels of comedians. News sites could be impacted as well by the interpretation of the rules.

                      However, IMO, the COPPA enforcement rules are going to be a much bigger deal to YT’s bottom line.


                      • #26
                        Youtube has found the big money comes from companies and not people. Only 28% of the top 100 of subscription are not Celebs or Corporate.


                        • #27
                          Not much into politics the landscape of America is changing and it’s really sad. Censoring things that might offend someone is like outlawing free speech. Most Americans don’t care too busy etc likely just gonna get worse


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by white trash wagon View Post
                            How is there any liberal, or conservative slant on setting a carburetor float, or grouting tilework?
                            That's an easy answer:

                            What kind of background is in the house getting tilework? Was there any opinion expressed by the guy doing the work and if so, what was that opinion?

                            Any particular decorations hanging on the wall in the garage, where the carburetor is getting worked on?

                            No human has to look at, or listen to the videos anymore. A program can determine all of it, and that program will for sure reflect the opinions held by those who paid to have it written. Especially if something in the video just might not be advertiser friendly. They work well enough now, but you can count on these programs getting more and more sophisticated until they reach perfection for the task. Until they're so good, that it just as well be the youtube CEO combing through every video, making sure that it's something they agree with and want on their site.


                            • #29
                              I decided to quit when they came out with the FCC fines of up to $42k. If your video isn't child appropriate or influences a child you could be fined up to $42k. So if I make a video of my kid catching a fish or shooting a deer/pig it could be viewed as innappropriate for children to view and it could influence kids to get out of the house and get in the outdoors. Depending on who makes the ruling it could be some liberal panty waist snowflake that says we are hurting that fish or it's wrong to hunt or fish.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by krazy kris View Post
                                I decided to quit when they came out with the FCC fines of up to $42k. If your video isn't child appropriate or influences a child you could be fined up to $42k. So if I make a video of my kid catching a fish or shooting a deer/pig it could be viewed as innappropriate for children to view and it could influence kids to get out of the house and get in the outdoors. Depending on who makes the ruling it could be some liberal panty waist snowflake that says we are hurting that fish or it's wrong to hunt or fish.
                                You cant just take your kid out of the videos?

