You've all heard me bitch and moan about the cost of my kids volleyball and such, but there's another side to the way I feel on the topic. My daughter is the shortest girl on her school team, but is a friggen force of nature out there. She's the one her coach doesn't sub out. she plays all the way around this season, and last week got her first block at the net. Her hits, dives, and foot work have all made leaps and bounds this year. I hate to say it, but the club stuff is really paying off. Other parents from the other teams we play have come up to us and made comments about her tenacity on the court. School ball is fun to watch but I'm really excited about club in November. her whole team is on par with her and that group of 13yo. girls is flat scary. I wouldn't want to meet them in a dark ally or on a volleyball court. I'm going to say that this is officially a better waste of money than any project car I've ever owned.
