I did a thing quite like pushing a boulder down a hill. Once it starts, there's no stopping it. Woke up yesterday with 430 youtubse subscribers, and woke up today with 798!
We can cut one B-17 every 36 minutes. And the little bus takes about the same time. Hoping for some more sales this week, and we are now less 100 subs from that magic 1,000 mark. my newest video has from 4 days ago already has 2.8k views. I have 2 new videos to edit tonight, short ones but funny none the less.
Any idea where the extra subscribers came from? Did it get shared on a platform somewhere?
it was from the video in the first post. Flitetest has nearly 1.1M subscribers. That is their video not mine. as soon as they posted the video my subs started flying!