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Bird_dog0347's RC thread

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  • Bird_dog0347's RC thread

    After years of not touching my RC stuff at all, I'm kinda back in it. My neighbor is the ranch/property manager for a multi-million dollar ranch/house that changed hands last year. When the previous owners moved out they left an Align TREX 250 and TREX 500 with radio and batteries, and all... both RTF.

    My neighbor asked me if I knew anything about them and if I'd be interested in them. I told him I used to have both of those birds back in like 2010 but I SUCKED trying to fly them so I sold them and stuck with planes. I also used to have a Blade MSR fixed pitch micro heli that was a ton of fun to fly around the house cause you couldn't hurt it, literally... didn't matter what you crashed into. Well hanging out with him a few weeks ago he mentioned he brought them home for me to have so I now have the two birds here at home (free).

    I've been working on getting the 250 setup (or at least validating the setup it has) and I haven't really touched the 500. I'll admit, both of them are extremely intimidating when spooled up and fairly expensive to crash. So I did some looking and found that Blade now makes a CPS that is the same micro size as my old MSR but it's a collective pitch bird that weighs 1.1 ounces all up ready to fly. They are $99 shipped in the Bind-and-fly version so I grabbed it off amazon and it was delivered today. They have a stability mode too so an inexperienced heli pilot can learn on it, or guys like me can get back into it. In stability mode it's actually not bad at all, the controls are pretty numb and large movements are almost necessary but I'm making tiny ones over a long period of time so I don't become hamfisted. There's a lot I need to re-learn for sure though, it's not like riding a bike.

    I do still have my old RealFlight 4.5 so I can practice on that and my kids love to play it too. It's kept my skill level from being 0% again so I'm thankful for that. I do love this little heli, I've already rammed it hard into some walls and shit, no issues thus far. In stability mode it's all good... in sport/3d it's full retard.

    Anyways, I got out my last remaining plane that I quite literally have not touched since 05/2012 that was sitting at the top of the shelf in my garage along with the rest of my new found hanger and decided to take a family pic for you all. Man my plan was covered in about 1/16th" of dust... poor thing, I LOVE this plane.

    I suppose I need to restock on some batteries for it, I can steal the one from the 500 heli but I won't fly that as I don't know the history. And all the batteries I have are WAY old... Anyways, I don't know how long I'll stick with this again, my hobbies usually go in 6-12 month cycles over the course of 5-6 years but the timelines are flexible now that I've got kids.

    Originally posted by stevo
    Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.


  • #2
    FYI. The blade cpx is a bad little bitch. Had one for a while and loved it. TREX 250, not so much.
    Last edited by Mysticcobrakilla; 07-14-2018, 06:47 AM.


    • #3
      Cool as hell man. Glad to see you getting back in. If you ever want to fly together let me know.
      My club in Denton is having a huge swap meet Aug 4th. you need to come out.


      • #4
        Originally posted by 4bangen View Post
        Cool as hell man. Glad to see you getting back in. If you ever want to fly together let me know.
        My club in Denton is having a huge swap meet Aug 4th. you need to come out.
        That sounds cool, except I'm not planning on buying any other stuff any time soon. As far as the RC stuff goes right now the only thing I know I wouldn't be able to pass up is a Reactor Bipe. I always wanted one but didn't get one years ago before getting out of RC and they are discontinued. And since I no longer live right across the street from a big ass field to fly them I never do. There is a pretty big park right across the street but it's only 3-4 acres I'd guess and not 50+ acres. A little foamy park flier would be cool but that's about it for now.
        Originally posted by stevo
        Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



        • #5
          My favorite park flyer foamie is the parkzone wildcat.


          • #6
            If you're willing to part with it im interested in the 500


            • #7
              Originally posted by inline 6 View Post
              If you're willing to part with it im interested in the 500
              Possibly, it might be a while before I have the stones to fly it...
              Originally posted by stevo
              Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



              • #8
                Got a new plane in the mail today... It's an Eflight Viking 280 BnF. I wanted one small enough to fly across the street at the park and found this NIB for $135 shipped. I have to go to the hobby store to find some Foam Safe CA so I can assemble it and get it setup. The batteries should arrive tomorrow, can't wait to fly it.

                I'm still loving my little Nano CPS too, it's a tough mother fucker for sure! I've tried to hover the TREX 250 a few times but I need to check the blade balance as well as the blade tracking cause it seems a bit off to me. The 500 spools up great and I even hovered it for a second or two but that's it since it's been really windy and I don't have training gear for it so I don't want to trash it.

                Originally posted by stevo
                Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



                • #9
                  that thing is awesome. I love me some biplane.


                  • #10
                    I got to maiden the plane this morning... it was a tad windy for it I think, even with the AS3X system (which I'm not sure I like) it got tossed around a bit when it would gust over 10mph.

                    I didn't try it on 3d mode yet, just on the low rates and it still is extremely responsive. Overall very happy with it.

                    Originally posted by stevo
                    Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bird_dog0347 View Post
                      Got a new plane in the mail today... It's an Eflight Viking 280 BnF. I wanted one small enough to fly across the street at the park and found this NIB for $135 shipped. I have to go to the hobby store to find some Foam Safe CA so I can assemble it and get it setup. The batteries should arrive tomorrow, can't wait to fly it.

                      I'm still loving my little Nano CPS too, it's a tough mother fucker for sure! I've tried to hover the TREX 250 a few times but I need to check the blade balance as well as the blade tracking cause it seems a bit off to me. The 500 spools up great and I even hovered it for a second or two but that's it since it's been really windy and I don't have training gear for it so I don't want to trash it.

                      FYI. The 250 has a “wondering” hover. It’s well known for that, which makes it a pain to fly.

                      Is it an SE version?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mysticcobrakilla View Post
                        FYI. The 250 has a “wondering” hover. It’s well known for that, which makes it a pain to fly.

                        Is it an SE version?
                        I don't think it's the SE version. And the reason I believe there's an issue is that when it spools up/down it's got a lot more vibration/oscillation to it, like something is out of balance. The 500 is smooth as silk with no movement.
                        Originally posted by stevo
                        Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bird_dog0347 View Post
                          I don't think it's the SE version. And the reason I believe there's an issue is that when it spools up/down it's got a lot more vibration/oscillation to it, like something is out of balance. The 500 is smooth as silk with no movement.
                          Yeah, get the vibration figured out. Didn’t need one of these coming apart when spoiled up.


                          • #14
                            How fast do those rc planes get up to?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Stephen View Post
                              How fast do those rc planes get up to?
                              Depends on the plane and the prop mostly... the little blue one is acutally pretty damn quick at full throttle down wind, maybe 40-50mph tops. The big yellow and red one isn't really that fast, maybe 40 tops but the prop I have on it is more for torque. Some can be really fast if they are built more for speed, and some of the jets are in the hundred plus range.
                              Originally posted by stevo
                              Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.


