Always was screwed by mechanics and these cars in general. This car started as a basket case, I currently own 2 different second gens, this one is pretty stout. I'm a pretty proud papa, considering the basket case the was was when I got it
I've rebuilt the head, put in some arp head studs, rewired the interior harness, rewired the ECU, rebuilt the turbo. It's suprised me, I can brake boost into 5psi at a prebuilt 2800 flash unlocked converter. Boost in this little four cylinder at quarter throttle accelerates like full throttle
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Please feel free to browse my rebuild of my dsm daily driver. It's been fun learning to datalog and play with tuning with small risk/reward tuning
So far I have done every piece of work myself. Putting a cam in an LS is cake compared to setting hydraulic tensioner gap on a mechanical rotating tensioner pulley mounted on a long tensioner arm to create timing belt tension lol
I've rebuilt the head, put in some arp head studs, rewired the interior harness, rewired the ECU, rebuilt the turbo. It's suprised me, I can brake boost into 5psi at a prebuilt 2800 flash unlocked converter. Boost in this little four cylinder at quarter throttle accelerates like full throttle
I apologise, this board does not automatically resize, and does not enable any sort of file attachments other than potato resolution
Please feel free to browse my rebuild of my dsm daily driver. It's been fun learning to datalog and play with tuning with small risk/reward tuning
So far I have done every piece of work myself. Putting a cam in an LS is cake compared to setting hydraulic tensioner gap on a mechanical rotating tensioner pulley mounted on a long tensioner arm to create timing belt tension lol