Yeah. Fuck that guy. We didn't spend $80k on our wedding. But we spent every penny we could afford to make it a special day for us. Anyone had done some shit like that would have been told to leave....immediately!
Some can afford it...I didn't spend near that on mine either. Crazy to pay that much for a wedding when the odds are that it will fail.
My uncle was retired Air Force and fairly loaded. We went to visit him at his little hacienda on the Tennessee river in Pickwick one year. We were talking about having a little out of town wedding so attendance would be low. He told a great story about spending 80k on his first wedding and it failing in under a year. Spent 20k on his second wedding, lasted four or five years. Spent 1500 on his last wedding and it lasted 30 years. Karen the last wife made a shit load of money but was fairly grounded.
The wife and I spent about 1500, stayed in her timeshare, bought 160.00 worth of Irish rings. Still together 10 years now with no issues. The guy I bought my rings from was Irish out of NY. When I asked what he thought would be better platinum or silver he just laughed. Told me only in America would someone spend 4k vs 160 on something you could not tell a difference in. We bought symbolic and have never regretted it.
"I'll never forget the day he proposed to was so beautiful, when he ruined his best friend's wedding"
In all reality, those type of self-centered people most likely have no clue that they ruined someone else's special them it was a gift to the bride and groom.
70' Chevelle RagTop (Forever Under Construction)
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison