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THIS is how you say "F.T.P."!!!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by 90GT50 View Post
    Yea, that little diagram is an exact scale representation of the truck in question, and it shows whether or not the truck has a fisheye.


    • #32
      Originally posted by stephen4785 View Post
      Just because you can see the mirror doesn't mean the driver can see you. Officer was speeding and tried to dart in front of the truck. There's only 4 seconds from the time the cop car passes the truck bumper to when the truck moved over.
      The cop car was hit on the side of the truck not the back. A direct hit to the rear of the truck would've sent a shock through the entire truck. But the cop car was hit on the side while the truck was moving over. Lateral force to the side of the truck is only going to swerve the trailer sideways and the the trailer will pivot on the fifth wheel. From the driver seat it probably felt like normal wind turbulence(it's also a construction zone so a driver will expect dips, potholes, and uneven road surfaces). If the cop had not been speeding the driver probably would've noticed the cop car behind him and not moved over. Looks like the cop was going faster and then took his foot off of the gas when he noticed the truck moving over. It also looks like it went from 3 lanes down to 2 lanes. Why on earth would anyone try to pass a big rig when the lanes are narrowing? Im glad you'll never be on a jury.
      Oh yea, remember there is no legitimate reason for a cop to try to get somewhere.

      I hope your wife never gets jacked and has to call 911 and they take their sweet time in getting to her.
      Last edited by 03trubluGT; 02-21-2011, 08:13 AM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by ceyko View Post
        So, here is a driver with at least a 45' trailer, trying to get into the slow lane. He's got barriers on both sides , traffic rolling past him on the left WHILE he is trying to switch lanes and he has some douche (in this case a cop) trying to zip past him.

        1. Granted, I saw no signal - but that does not mean he did not have one on at some point. Video kind of sucked.

        2. I can see at SOME point maybe he could've caught a glimpse of the cop. However, even in my bitty pickup or car I'm not staring at ONE mirror the whole time.

        3. I'm of the opinion the cop was wrong for trying to pass on that side anyway.

        4. It is possible that the trucker did not notice. Did not seem like THAT bad of an impact and it was still on the trailer not the tractor itself.

        Besides, I don't care either way. I just am loving how 03trubluGT wants to defend the cop. Technically the cop probably was less wrong then the trucker. However, being less wrong does not make you right. If you were completely right the wrongs never would've happened to begin with. Just cause you're a cop does not give you the right to be wrong.
        I think I said earlier that my opinion would not change if that were Joe Citizen. That's just nice how you want to be a douche and focus on the whole "defend a cop" routine.

        The trucker failed to make sure the lane was clear, period. Some of you folks have no clue how traffic laws work, so you just spout off babble that holds no credibility.

        The trucker "changed lanes without safety" and would be shown at fault on the CRB.


        • #34
          We need both sides of the story!


          • #35
            In the video he is in a blind spot when the truck comes over. The truck has a mirror but it is mounted high and the car probably wasn't completely visable.

            The truck driver didn't stop because he would be met with exactly the attitude we have in this thread. I'm sure it would have been "Oh my Gawd you tried to kill meeee!!!".
            Originally posted by racrguy
            What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
            Originally posted by racrguy
            Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


            • #36
              Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
              I think I said earlier that my opinion would not change if that were Joe Citizen. That's just nice how you want to be a douche and focus on the whole "defend a cop" routine.

              The trucker failed to make sure the lane was clear, period. Some of you folks have no clue how traffic laws work, so you just spout off babble that holds no credibility.

              The trucker "changed lanes without safety" and would be shown at fault on the CRB.

              I find it entertaining that you're seemingly getting all bent out of shape. I think I made it clear that the cop was more right then the trucker. Additionally, I'm not an FTP kind of person. I'm just a "don't trust most cops" (or people for that matter) kind of person.

              Hell, just to make it clear - technically I know the trucker was in the wrong. Does that make you happy?

              The fact remains that the cop was doing a douche thing and shit happens when you're driving a vehicle that size.

              Edit: I'd also be pissed if I were the cop too - since technically I'd be a douche who was in the right and got run over for it.
              Last edited by ceyko; 02-21-2011, 09:05 AM.
              Originally posted by MR EDD
              U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


              • #37
                I watched the video about 30 times at the begining trying to figure out where the truck was in relation to the left lane. Right in the begining when the police car is trying to pass it appears the truck is right next to the wall on the left side of the video. So I would have to agree that the truck just pulled over with out looking and no blinker. I still say there is no way he did not notice. It appears as if the cab of the truck even jolts a little on impact. Had he just grazed him maybe, but hell it was enough to make the squad inop and break the windshield.
                Whos your Daddy?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                  Oh yea, remember there is no legitimate reason for a cop to try to get somewhere.

                  I hope your wife never gets jacked and has to call 911 and they take their sweet time in getting to her.
                  I would hope that an officer would hurry but not to the point that they get tunnel vision and foolishly try to drive between a semi and a wall on the right side... then they'll never make it to the call



                  • #39
                    Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                    Oh yea, remember there is no legitimate reason for a cop to try to get somewhere.

                    I hope your wife never gets jacked and has to call 911 and they take their sweet time in getting to her.

                    Not legitimate enough to squeeze in that spot that was clearly too small to fit through. And if he was in a hurry to get to a call, why no lights/siren?
                    Originally posted by BradM
                    But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                    Originally posted by Leah
                    In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                      Not legitimate enough to squeeze in that spot that was clearly too small to fit through. And if he was in a hurry to get to a call, why no lights/siren?


                      • #41
                        Same shit, different story....

                        Originally posted by SSMAN
                        ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                        • #42
                          The point of impact was at the nose of the trailer. If the driver had been looking in his or her right mirror they would have seen the patrol car. Panaramic mirrors would still let you seen the car. I would say a cell phone or cb radio was in use a the time of impact. Tractor driver at fault.


                          • #43
                            Waaaaaah FTP Waaaaaah! And then we move on.


                            • #44
                              Poor judgment on the part of the cop. However, there is no way that trucker didn't feel that jolt, which is very obvious in the video. Truck driver needs to at the very least be cited for fleeing the scene of an accident. He's flat out lying if he denies feeling that impact. He just got scared and booked it. Plain and simple.


                              • #45
                                Most motorist don't look 15 ft. past the hood of their vehicles. I've been in those situations before, so i'll watch for the cars in that lane. Some motorist don't realize the lanes ending until it's too late and have to hit the brakes. I'll ease to the furthest side of my lane, back off the throttle and let them either shoot right on by or slow down and get in behind me. Most shoot on by because no one wants to be behind the semi.

