We had to put old dog to sleep back in April after he got Lymphoma. That is a rough thing to go through watching them go down hill that fast.
We decided to wait to get another dog for a bit and decided to go to the SPCA last week and picked out this little pup. Her name is Sombra. (My daughters love Overwatch and named her after the one of the characters.)

About 3 months old and she is a handful but she seems to be a pretty smart dog.
Few more pics here https://imgur.com/gallery/9yFfi#9CRbDFx
We decided to wait to get another dog for a bit and decided to go to the SPCA last week and picked out this little pup. Her name is Sombra. (My daughters love Overwatch and named her after the one of the characters.)

About 3 months old and she is a handful but she seems to be a pretty smart dog.
Few more pics here https://imgur.com/gallery/9yFfi#9CRbDFx