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Couldn't resist. Was two shiny...

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  • #91
    Didn't Soap get banned for bragging about fucking cows?
    The double standards around here are ridiculous!


    • #92
      Fucking ziiiing!!


      • #93
        Yeah I deleted the thread because I thought the comments on her were in poor taste. Mikes comment is a perfect example. Shes a good person and someone I care about and I am proud to have her as part of my life and want to do the pics with my car. I think shes beautiful and thats the only opinion that matters to me. She makes me happy and I cant think of any time in my recent life a person has made me so happy.

        Now if someone was so concerned with bringing this thread back they could have at least edited the "to" in the title.
        Last edited by LaserSVT; 10-16-2016, 04:08 AM.
        Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


        • #94
          Originally posted by LS1Goat View Post
          I deleted the personal info about his girl from my original post yesterday. I exchanged a fairly polite PM with him about this the other day. I assumed all was good. If he feels embarrassed about this situation, then at the very least he could do is log in and delete the pictures/comments from his post and move forward. As you can see, it's not really all that dramatic. It would be ridiculous if he stops posting due to a situation that he himself encouraged by saying "Flame away". The thread will fade away and people will pay no mind.
          We are all good and I appreciate you editing your post. It rubbed me wrong was all. And other comments about sucking chrome and shit just pissed me off. My "Flame away" comment was more due to the fact that if a womans body isnt completely flawless people on here like to flame away.
          Was a poor choice of words on my part. I care about her, she saw the pics and told me to post them. I am proud of her and proud of the car.
          I am not trying to brag at all, I aint posting up my bank account and stuff.
          Its a car site and we all get excited about our cars and since i do have friends here and am excited about some of my cars I wanted to share them. Too many get bent out of shape about it so I figured I would just delete them.

          As far as not posting till now I just wasnt online to notice the thread today. Spent the day detailing the car and her Mach1 for tomorrows meet.

          But I guess its here to stay so I will run with it. So here are some changes I made to the car today with the new intake and did a few other things. I will take some more pics at the Mustang meet tomorrow. Car looks much nicer with the new headlights.

          Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Scott Mc View Post
            I hear ya but nobody is perfect. Lazer is a bit off but aren't we all? We all have our up's and downs, I have just taken it as the guy is excited for doing well. With all the bullshit in the world lately being polite (I know not normal for our board) is few and far between. I know I would feel horrible if me being an asshole to someone impacted their life in a negative way. Everyone will do what they want but I bet we have run off another member.
            Didnt run me off, was just busy. I would have responded had I seen the thread was brought back. It is what it is so fuck it right? I appreciate the words though. Yeah I am a bit off but like you said, we all have our oddness.

            But I was busy working on her Mach1 today.

            Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Big A View Post
              The lesson here is that if you aren't living large with the likes Dan Blizerian, don't make the board an instagram of your poor financial decisions.

              Serious question, what's your retirement plan look like Laser? Since you like puttin' it all out there and all...
              My retirement plan is to enjoy life back home in Hawaii while getting my dick sucked on a white sand beach while not worrying about money or what others do with their money. Dont worry about me. I have a thriving company, own multiple properties and while I dont exactly have "fuck you" money I do have enough to live out the rest of my life without issue and have enough common sense to keep that money growing while also enjoying life.
              Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


              • #97
                Good on you for posting up. Flame away was a mistake on this site. None of the bs on here really matters. If you got lucky enough to find a woman that pleases you and you get to share some common interest you are doing better than the rest of us. If she isn't a perfect 10 oh well, just shows you aren't that shallow. Enjoy your cars and your woman.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by LaserSVT View Post
                  We are all good and I appreciate you editing your post. It rubbed me wrong was all.

                  My "Flame away" comment was more due to the fact that if a womans body isnt completely flawless people on here like to flame away.
                  Was a poor choice of words on my part.
                  No problem. Good on you for not letting petty comments run you off.

                  Originally posted by LaserSVT
                  I care about her, she saw the pics and told me to post them. I am proud of her and proud of the car.
                  That is all that really matters.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by LaserSVT View Post
                    My retirement plan is to enjoy life back home in Hawaii while getting my dick sucked on a white sand beach while not worrying about money or what others do with their money. Dont worry about me. I have a thriving company, own multiple properties and while I dont exactly have "fuck you" money I do have enough to live out the rest of my life without issue and have enough common sense to keep that money growing while also enjoying life.
                    I am happy to hear man, I love hearing stories of people doing well for themselves, I honestly. The issue that many of us have is in the way that it's presented on here. You are excited about your cars and girl, and that's how life should be, but you don't have to post pics and blog about it all in a boastful manner.


                    • Originally posted by LaserSVT View Post
                      Yeah I deleted the thread because I thought the comments on her were in poor taste. Mikes comment is a perfect example. Shes a good person and someone I care about and I am proud to have her as part of my life and want to do the pics with my car. I think shes beautiful and thats the only opinion that matters to me. She makes me happy and I cant think of any time in my recent life a person has made me so happy.

                      Now if someone was so concerned with bringing this thread back they could have at least edited the "to" in the title.
                      I'm happy that you're happy!

                      There's no reason to take my joke personal.


                      • Holy shit, its like I stepped into an alternate reality. LOL

                        Thank you gents, I appreciate the response here. Very unexpected but I guess people are getting a bit older and mature here.

                        I never wanted to come across as boastful though. Its simple excitement. Thats why I dropped the other car threads as I did not wish for it to appear as if I were bragging. Got my dream car and I was excited but there was a lot of hate towards that Benz and the Denali so it just felt appropriate to remove them.

                        Thank you though y'all.
                        Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


                        • A lot of people here just enjoy giving each other a hard time. Sometimes it goes too far.

                          I really dig the car. I have some cars I really enjoy too. It's nice to be able to buy yourself stuff and share with friends.

                          I will be buying my 3rd play car in two or three years. Not certain if there will be a 4th,but maybe. Two toys, plus a DD plus one for Jr and one for the wife is getting a bit out there. Adding another to the mix might be too much but I really want a C5 to go with my C4. I'm also starting to rebuild my fairly extensive r/c aircraft fleet too. I'm getting older and want to have some fun. I've pretty much outgrown video games to allow for car and R/c time. Now I just need this high travel work project to end which should be in March or so.


                          • Originally posted by LaserSVT View Post
                            Now if someone was so concerned with bringing this thread back they could have at least edited the "to" in the title.
                            I got you, fam.
                            Originally posted by PGreenCobra
                            I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
                            Originally posted by Trip McNeely
                            Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
                            dont downshift!!
                            Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


                            • Lmao


                              • Never thought he posted like he was bragging. At least he buys running cars and enjoys them. So play on playa. And if you get in a tight spot Lazer,maybe I could get a good deal on that cobra

