Originally posted by JC316
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We have all wanted to do this...
Originally posted by Ratt View PostI feel like there was more than what was shown in the video going on. Like maybe that guy in the truck was acting like the morons in the stories above, weaving in and out of traffic, almost causing accidents. I'd put good money on the guy driving the truck being the real douche bag in this story.
Neither of them was doing the right thing, but the truck took it too far and could have seriously injured or killed someone. Not only in the red 300ZX (which, by the way, poor little Z32), but in all the other cars around them.
It appeared the guy was doing it intentionally. The guy in the truck was probably driving like an asshole and that guy was blocking him just to kiss him off. Which I have done.
Some guy almost hit me a couple times and a couple others one time in Corinth in his Toyota Camry. He made the wrong move and ended up a few spots back again behind me. I played blocker next to a slow 18 wheeler and was laughing at him while he threw up his hands. After a minute or so he floored it and go on the shoulder to pass, evidently not realizing I was driving s much faster mustang and there was a wall/no shoulder coming up. [emoji48][emoji48][emoji48]. He ended up behind me again for a bit until I was ready to exit for work.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2014 GT
2013 FX2 ecoboost
Originally posted by asphaltjunkie View PostIf I see a jackass weaving thru traffic like a shithead, you're damn right I'm gonna play Block The Dumbass. Did that in Houston a few weeks ago. Impatient little bastard came flying up in the right lane, getting on the bumper of the car in front of him (I'm in the middle, it's rush hour, so the left lane was fucked) trying to get past us. Car in front of him slowed down, and I acted like I was going to go by the car, but just as the ass end of my trailer was even with the door of the car, I slowed down and matched their speed, effectively blocking the jackass behind us. He eventually got around in the left lane, decided he wanted payback, and got in front of me and tried to brake check me. Stupid thing to do to an 18wheeler, especially when I knew he was gonna do it. Sure, that could've backfired, and he could've actually hit the brakes enough to make me run into him, and I would've been fucked...but I like to think by doing what I did could have possibly kept him from running into someone else and possibly killing them. Ive done the same thing to truckers trying to do 90 down 20 thru Dallas...while in my F-150. I've been given many a middle finger. So what? Like I said, my actions may very well have saved their life, or some innocent person's life.
But those people who refuse to go the speed limit and camp out in the middle or left lanes deserve every inch of my Freightliner I could shove up the ass end of their car if I could get away with it.
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Originally posted by SS Junk View PostJust by seeing that little of video before we know why this happened? There are also little turds who drive the bro dozers and act like complete fuck bags. This could have been one of those times. I can remember one such time where Broseph Fuckbag stepped out of his dozer to pump gas on a 20* day, started the pump and got right back into the cab w/ the engine running, like a complete lumbersexual bitch. Two-way street, son.
Originally posted by Slow Five-O View PostThis!
It appeared the guy was doing it intentionally. The guy in the truck was probably driving like an asshole and that guy was blocking him just to kiss him off. Which I have done.
Some guy almost hit me a couple times and a couple others one time in Corinth in his Toyota Camry. He made the wrong move and ended up a few spots back again behind me. I played blocker next to a slow 18 wheeler and was laughing at him while he threw up his hands. After a minute or so he floored it and go on the shoulder to pass, evidently not realizing I was driving s much faster mustang and there was a wall/no shoulder coming up. [emoji48][emoji48][emoji48]. He ended up behind me again for a bit until I was ready to exit for work.
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Originally posted by JC316 View PostAnd what if you pissed him off even more, he drives more aggressively and accidentally kills someone? Then it's on you, because you couldn't put the hero complex aside and let him by. Not to mention the fact that you're fucking over other people on the highway that didn't do anything.
Originally posted by inline 6 View PostYour logic is so fucked off. Its nobody but the truck drivers fault. Last I heard using "he did something to piss me off so I did something that killed someone" wasn't a great defense.
Take the video above, had the 300zx guy been using the logic of "i'm saving lives by being a lane camper", and truck guy pushed him into someone and got them killed. In my mind, they're both at fault.
Being a left lane camper is illegal in most states and no one asked people like asphaltjunkie to be the hero that saves us.
Originally posted by JC316 View PostNo, it's not a good defense, but never underestimate a moron with road rage, logic tends to go out the window.
Take the video above, had the 300zx guy been using the logic of "i'm saving lives by being a lane camper", and truck guy pushed him into someone and got them killed. In my mind, they're both at fault.
Being a left lane camper is illegal in most states and no one asked people like asphaltjunkie to be the hero that saves us.
Originally posted by inline 6 View PostIt is not both of their faults. It became 100% the guy in the trucks fault when he decided to play bumper cars.
(1) the operator is passing another vehicle;
(2) an obstruction necessitates moving the vehicle left of the center of the roadway and the operator yields the right-of-way to a vehicle that:
(A) is moving in the proper direction on the unobstructed portion of the roadway; and
(B) is an immediate hazard;
(3) the operator is on a roadway divided into three marked lanes for traffic; or
(4) the operator is on a roadway restricted to one-way traffic.
They're both at fault.
Originally posted by JC316 View Post545.051. DRIVING ON RIGHT SIDE OF ROADWAY. (a) An operator on a roadway of sufficient width shall drive on the right half of the roadway, unless:
(1) the operator is passing another vehicle;
(2) an obstruction necessitates moving the vehicle left of the center of the roadway and the operator yields the right-of-way to a vehicle that:
(A) is moving in the proper direction on the unobstructed portion of the roadway; and
(B) is an immediate hazard;
(3) the operator is on a roadway divided into three marked lanes for traffic; or
(4) the operator is on a roadway restricted to one-way traffic.
They're both at fault.
Originally posted by Big A View PostThe guy in the truck alone caused this accident, period. Take it a step further, and say that the guy in the pickup decides to pull a gun and start firing. Guess who's going to prison for murder? One person breaking the law does not give anyone else the right to put them or anyone else in danger, aside from self-defense.
Originally posted by JC316 View Post
One day it might be you eating that wall, possibly getting yourself or others killed. Yet again, you're fucking other people over that didn't do anything. Stop trying to be batman and move the fuck over.
He didn't hit the wall, he had to slow down and get back behind me. I always abide by left lane for passing only, I wasn't trying to be "batman" mr captain America, in this case I got to piss this guy off more and I didn't get hit nor did anyone else. He made people hit their brakes several times cutting them off and jumping all over the place where he Almost lost it a couple times. He drove much safer behind me. [emoji106]
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2014 GT
2013 FX2 ecoboost
We have all wanted to do this...
Originally posted by JC316 View Post
Being a left lane camper is illegal in most states and no one asked people like asphaltjunkie to be the hero that saves us.
Originally posted by JC316 View Post545.051. DRIVING ON RIGHT SIDE OF ROADWAY. (a) An operator on a roadway of sufficient width shall drive on the right half of the roadway, unless:
(1) the operator is passing another vehicle;
(2) an obstruction necessitates moving the vehicle left of the center of the roadway and the operator yields the right-of-way to a vehicle that:
(A) is moving in the proper direction on the unobstructed portion of the roadway; and
(B) is an immediate hazard;
(3) the operator is on a roadway divided into three marked lanes for traffic; or
(4) the operator is on a roadway restricted to one-way traffic.
They're both at fault.
Originally posted by JC316 View PostI'm talking from an ethical standpoint, not a legal one. One guy breaks the law under the justification that he is saving lives, but he may actually be putting people in danger.
So are you talking ethical or legal? Because you've said each. It sounds like you're trying really hard justify the actions of the truck. Hopefully you're trying to troll.Last edited by Slow Five-O; 06-06-2016, 07:49 PM.2014 GT
2013 FX2 ecoboost