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Saw that. Bet the dumb ass in the left lane doesn't do that again.Originally posted by Taya Kyle, American GunThere comes a time when honest debate, serious diplomatic efforts, and logical arguments have been exhausted and only men and women willing to take up arms against evil will suffice to save the freedom of a nation or continent.
I need one of these on my F350
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People really need to get their heads out of their asses and start having some common courtesy. You get these little turds that think they can push people without consequences.
Said little turd fucked with the wrong guy on that day. Truck guy is likely going to jail, but I would find it REALLY difficult to convict him if I was on the jury.
On the opposite side of the coin I was driving home from Houston over the weekend going 80mph in the right lane, and needed to pass a slower car. I used my signal moved and moved over to the left. In the distance I saw a red chevy truck coming up fast, so I bumped it up to 85. That apparently wasn't enough because the truck proceeded to come literally withing inches of my back bumper and stayed there like it was fucking nascar! Right as I had room to I hit my blinker and went to move over, but didn't have time because the red truck forced uts way over making the car in the right lane slam on their brakes and swerve off to the shoulder and tried to pass me on the right with her foot to the floor. I'll admit I was goated into a fit of rage at that point and didn't let her pass. I sped off and got about a half mile on her before slowing down and moving back over with my cruise set to 80 again. a minute later here she comes again in the left lane at full steam and runs up the ass of the next car in the left lane who was in the middle of passing a semi truck..
moral of the story is there's a fine line between getting mad at left lane campers and driving to damn fast and trying to force other people to also travel that fast. You want to go 110 in a 75mph zone and go to jail, fine by me. but don't run up peoples ass when someone else is in front of you trying to safely pass a slower car.
Oh and my wife said the bitch was texting while trying to pass us at over 100mph in the right lane.
Originally posted by 4bangen View PostOn the opposite side of the coin I was driving home from Houston over the weekend going 80mph in the right lane, and needed to pass a slower car. I used my signal moved and moved over to the left. In the distance I saw a red chevy truck coming up fast, so I bumped it up to 85. That apparently wasn't enough because the truck proceeded to come literally withing inches of my back bumper and stayed there like it was fucking nascar! Right as I had room to I hit my blinker and went to move over, but didn't have time because the red truck forced uts way over making the car in the right lane slam on their brakes and swerve off to the shoulder and tried to pass me on the right with her foot to the floor. I'll admit I was goated into a fit of rage at that point and didn't let her pass. I sped off and got about a half mile on her before slowing down and moving back over with my cruise set to 80 again. a minute later here she comes again in the left lane at full steam and runs up the ass of the next car in the left lane who was in the middle of passing a semi truck..
moral of the story is there's a fine line between getting mad at left lane campers and driving to damn fast and trying to force other people to also travel that fast. You want to go 110 in a 75mph zone and go to jail, fine by me. but don't run up peoples ass when someone else is in front of you trying to safely pass a slower car.
Oh and my wife said the bitch was texting while trying to pass us at over 100mph in the right lane.
Originally posted by 4bangen View PostOn the opposite side of the coin I was driving home from Houston over the weekend going 80mph in the right lane, and needed to pass a slower car. I used my signal moved and moved over to the left. In the distance I saw a red chevy truck coming up fast, so I bumped it up to 85. That apparently wasn't enough because the truck proceeded to come literally withing inches of my back bumper and stayed there like it was fucking nascar! Right as I had room to I hit my blinker and went to move over, but didn't have time because the red truck forced uts way over making the car in the right lane slam on their brakes and swerve off to the shoulder and tried to pass me on the right with her foot to the floor. I'll admit I was goated into a fit of rage at that point and didn't let her pass. I sped off and got about a half mile on her before slowing down and moving back over with my cruise set to 80 again. a minute later here she comes again in the left lane at full steam and runs up the ass of the next car in the left lane who was in the middle of passing a semi truck..
moral of the story is there's a fine line between getting mad at left lane campers and driving to damn fast and trying to force other people to also travel that fast. You want to go 110 in a 75mph zone and go to jail, fine by me. but don't run up peoples ass when someone else is in front of you trying to safely pass a slower car.
Oh and my wife said the bitch was texting while trying to pass us at over 100mph in the right lane.
Originally posted by JC316 View PostI would find it REALLY difficult to convict him if I was on the jury.
I have been in lots of situations lately that puts me in the fast lane, behind a camper, and the guy behind me is all up my ass like I can do something about it.Interested in being a VIP member and donating to the site? Click here
If I see a jackass weaving thru traffic like a shithead, you're damn right I'm gonna play Block The Dumbass. Did that in Houston a few weeks ago. Impatient little bastard came flying up in the right lane, getting on the bumper of the car in front of him (I'm in the middle, it's rush hour, so the left lane was fucked) trying to get past us. Car in front of him slowed down, and I acted like I was going to go by the car, but just as the ass end of my trailer was even with the door of the car, I slowed down and matched their speed, effectively blocking the jackass behind us. He eventually got around in the left lane, decided he wanted payback, and got in front of me and tried to brake check me. Stupid thing to do to an 18wheeler, especially when I knew he was gonna do it. Sure, that could've backfired, and he could've actually hit the brakes enough to make me run into him, and I would've been fucked...but I like to think by doing what I did could have possibly kept him from running into someone else and possibly killing them. Ive done the same thing to truckers trying to do 90 down 20 thru Dallas...while in my F-150. I've been given many a middle finger. So what? Like I said, my actions may very well have saved their life, or some innocent person's life.
But those people who refuse to go the speed limit and camp out in the middle or left lanes deserve every inch of my Freightliner I could shove up the ass end of their car if I could get away with it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk"We, the people, are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts - not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the constitution." Abraham Lincoln
I feel like there was more than what was shown in the video going on. Like maybe that guy in the truck was acting like the morons in the stories above, weaving in and out of traffic, almost causing accidents. I'd put good money on the guy driving the truck being the real douche bag in this story.
Neither of them was doing the right thing, but the truck took it too far and could have seriously injured or killed someone. Not only in the red 300ZX (which, by the way, poor little Z32), but in all the other cars around them.