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Random PICTURE of the day thread *KEEP IT WORK SAFE*

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  • Originally posted by racrguy View Post
    Maximum Depth
    370.7 feet

    113.0 meters
    That has been covered already. But it doesnt look like it is deeper then 20' in that pic.
    May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
    Semper Fi


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        • Originally posted by SouthernSVT View Post
          Just pointing out the jack-assery of people these days.
          If there are no signs that say "for bigass trucks only" then anyone can use those lanes or gas pumps freely. That's part of the sacrifice of having a large vehicle. You and others can make up for it by trying to bully smaller cars on the road while thinking you are what you drive. It's a two-way street.
          You are going to keep being sorely disappointed if looking for common courtesy especially from those behind the wheel. Just read any of the threads on this site regarding driver behavior and that should clue you in how painfully lacking the overall attention span and intelligence of the ordinary average moron behind the wheel is.


          • Originally posted by DieselSmoke View Post
            When i was stationed in Utah i use to go camping at Bear Lake. It's the bluest lake iv'e ever seen.
            Dude, we have plants in Logan and Smithfield, and the drive from Logan to Bear Lake is a must do for me EVERY time I'm up there. I always schedule an extra day up there so I can fuck around for an afternoon at that lake. It's the tits, all year round, and the drive through Logan Canyon is fucking amazing. That place looks like Middle Earth or something.
            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


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              • Utah is some of the most beautiful country I've seen in the United States. It is one of the very few states I would ever consider relocating to.


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                    • Originally posted by talisman View Post
                      Utah is some of the most beautiful country I've seen in the United States. It is one of the very few states I would ever consider relocating to.
                      I didn't appreciate Utah when i lived there in my early 20's. I was young and single and it wasn't the place for me. 3.2% beer, 1am bar closer , pasties over the nipples at the nudie bar and Mormon girls are a whole other story. But now in my 30's with a wife a kid i would move back up there.

                      The old bird i use to crew at Hill AFB Utah.
                      Last edited by DieselSmoke; 03-03-2012, 01:01 PM.
                      You remember the stories John use to tell us about the the three chinamen playing Fantan? This guy runs up to them and says, "Hey, the world's coming to an end!" and the first one says, "Well, I best go to the mission and pray," and the second one says, "Well, hell, I'm gonna go and buy me a case of Mezcal and six whores," and the third one says "Well, I'm gonna finish the game." I shall finish the game, Doc.


                      • Originally posted by DieselSmoke View Post

                        The old bird i use to crew at Hill AFB Utah.

                        Been to the museum there and saw the SR-71. They have an impressive collection.


                        • Originally posted by Jedi View Post
                          Just foudn out it was done by Pavel Angel, artist in russia.

                          Holy shit is right. That is the baddest tat I've ever seen. Damn!


                          • ...

                            Originally posted by Buick355 View Post
                            Is it really that deep? I would think that the shadow underneath the raft would be a lot smaller if it were really that deep.
                            That was my thought too.


                            • Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                              If there are no signs that say "for bigass trucks only" then anyone can use those lanes or gas pumps freely. That's part of the sacrifice of having a large vehicle. You and others can make up for it by trying to bully smaller cars on the road while thinking you are what you drive. It's a two-way street.
                              You are going to keep being sorely disappointed if looking for common courtesy especially from those behind the wheel. Just read any of the threads on this site regarding driver behavior and that should clue you in how painfully lacking the overall attention span and intelligence of the ordinary average moron behind the wheel is.
                              I know. Normally I wouldn't of even openly whined about it. The ATM pic just reminded me cause it had just happened that day. There is definatly drawbacks to having a big truck, just like there are great things about it. I usually try and think about the people around me, and it gets on my nerves that most people don't. Just easy stuff like the ATM, deisel pumps, blocking the left turn lane when a straight only lane is open, driving slow in the fast lane, etc. I doubt most people even notice that they're doing it honestly, they are just so used to thinking about themselves. Just kind of annoying, and I like to vent sometimes.
                              .223 > 911


                              • Originally posted by mikec View Post
                                Holy shit is right. That is the baddest tat I've ever seen. Damn!
                                He has terrific sense of depth, tone and contrast. I've been SERIOUSLY considering a tattoo apprenticeship
                                Originally posted by PGreenCobra
                                I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
                                Originally posted by Trip McNeely
                                Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
                                dont downshift!!
                                Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.

