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Random PICTURE of the day thread *KEEP IT WORK SAFE*
Originally posted by BajaBob View Post
fishing hunting/licences--kept in your console and taken out when you go hunting/fishing. I keep our hunting licenses in my console, not my wallet.
and chl--needed when you're carrying, which I will assume is all the time, and a valid addition to your needed things in your wallet.
My business CC's--needed when you're traveling on business and making business purchases, probably not whipped out off the cuff, and probably need replacing often because they get broken down from the heat and wear in your wallet.
Stupid ass punch cards that save you money on haircuts and stuff, kroger card-- punch a hole in those fuckers and keep them on a binder ring in your console and take them off as needed. Most of those can be registered with your phone number and looked up by the cashier, anyway.
Typically a hundred bucks in mixed cash-valid
5 separate RFID enabled access cards for the various contract programming jobs I have, it adds up--once again, you'll probably have schedules times that you will need those, and you know I'm advance. They can be kept in your console, for the most part. If you're keeping them in your wallet, you're probably going through them often due to heat and wear. PLUS, criminals in large cities tend to RFID scan random shit to steal identities. Keeping anything RFID on my person at all times seems like too much of a risk. If they're RFIDing things in the Podunksville that I live in, you can damn sure bet it's rampant in the metroplex.
If you really don't think it's necessary, start a facebook group so you and like-minded people can become friends and bask in the glory of your empty wallets.