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Random PICTURE of the day thread *KEEP IT WORK SAFE*

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  • Originally posted by Sleeper View Post
    Just watched a youtube vid on them taking out some hydro dams in washington state and what it has done.

    Be interesting to see how this unfolds. I dont see a short term release doing that much do you?
    They did a short term (couple weeks) on the Colorado a year or two ago to send a surge of water all the way out to the Sea of Cortez... it did incredible things. I posted a lot about it here if you want more on when they first did the release:L

    On the note of taking out dams, you should watch Dam Nation. It's an amazing documentary and I think it's still on Netflix.


    • Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
      They did a short term (couple weeks) on the Colorado a year or two ago to send a surge of water all the way out to the Sea of Cortez... it did incredible things. I posted a lot about it here if you want more on when they first did the release:L

      On the note of taking out dams, you should watch Dam Nation. It's an amazing documentary and I think it's still on Netflix.
      I'm reading a book about the Salmon/Columbia/Snake and the associated rivers and how the dams and locks on the Columbia have affected the wildlife and salmon spawning.

      The premise of the book is about a couple of river guides and their chase for a speed record, but there is a lot of backstory involved in the lead up.

      It'll never happen, but I'd love to see the Glenn Canyon and Hoover dams go away.

      How awesome would it be to float from Green River to Yuma, or even the sea?

      One book I would recommend is Colin Fletcher's River

      Edit... FYI, I blame you for my goal of hiking the Grand Canyon next year, and eventually running it in a dory. You posted a link about the Emerald Mile a year or so back and I've been hooked on dories and river running ever since. I've read more books in the last year than I have my entire life and most of them are centered on canyons and/or river running.
      G'Day Mate


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                          • Originally posted by Unicorn Jeff View Post


                            • I wish you guys would stop posting pics that I feel bad about laughing at..


                              • "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"

