Am I the only person that didn't know that original Batman show was supposed to be a campy comedy?
Yes. Most people realized that due to the obvious. In the '66 Batman Movie, William Dozier's introduction patently describes it as escapism entertainment. Just like Gilligan's Island, and a host of other TV shows of that era.
Same bat time, same bat channel... should be a clue that it's satire.
The Cold War, Bay of Pigs, and JFK assassination spawned this genre. That's why they were "campy", not simply because of a lack of budget or Fx technology. People wanted a mental release from the doom and gloom of the real world. They also were still operating under the Hays Code, which is another reason TV was so very different in all aspects.
When I first saw the meme, I thought it was a joke. Then I clicked on the guy's profile that posted it on a Facebook forum. He's being very serious.