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Random PICTURE of the day thread *KEEP IT WORK SAFE*

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  • Originally posted by Big Dad View Post
    lol that ain't no shit!!!!!
    "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
    "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


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      • Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


        • Originally posted by Taya Kyle, American Gun
          There comes a time when honest debate, serious diplomatic efforts, and logical arguments have been exhausted and only men and women willing to take up arms against evil will suffice to save the freedom of a nation or continent.


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            • Vizslas are hilarious. Neither of these are my dog, but my om's Vizsla can walk on top of the kennels at the doggy daycare place, so they have to put her in one with a closed top.


              • Originally posted by Buick355 View Post
                If you eat every meal like you just got out of prison like I do it doesn't have a chance to get soggy.
                Guy that works in the office with me eats like this. Like someone is going to run in and yank it away from him. He also drinks from the same old Fiji water bottle every day, no washing/rinsing, just fill it up with whatever he wants to drink and has at it. And while drinking it sounds like a water pipe in use. I'll be glad Nov 7th when he's no longer in here with me.
                G'Day Mate


                • Originally posted by Grimpala View Post
                  And while drinking it sounds like a water pipe in use.
                  People that drink and eat loudly make me want to punch kittens

                  ^ may be a repost


                  • I have a slob next to me, that eats like its last meal every time. He puts his face right next to his plate and shovels it in like he is starving ( big guy, heavy but not obese ) .

                    Then licks the plate till its clean, and belches and burps and makes all kinds of loud noises, it about makes me want to throw up .

                    Has zero manners


                    • Originally posted by phaux View Post
                      People that drink and eat loudly make me want to punch kittens

                      Misophonia, literally "hatred of sound", is a rarely diagnosed disorder, commonly thought to be of neurological origin, in which negative emotions (anger, flight, hatred, disgust) are triggered by specific sounds.
                      Coined by the married researchers Margaret and Pawel Jastreboff of Emory University in 2002, misophonia (“hatred of sound”) is sometimes referred to as selective sound sensitivity syndrome. Like me, those with the disorder identify a series of specific sounds that bother them. A 2013 study by Arjan Schröder and his colleagues at the University of Amsterdam identified the most common irritants as eating sounds, including lip smacking and swallowing; breathing sounds, such as nostril noises and sneezing; and hand sounds, such as typing and pen clicking.


                      • Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                        Don't forget the sound of Hillary Clinton speaking.


                        • Originally posted by Tremor14 View Post
                          7 crazy guys who call for the death of all of another race?

                          i can show you 37 on here that say the same about muslims.

                          and GOD FORBID we all venture over to or whatever.

                          get real.
                          that's not a fair comparison. You can choose your religion but you can't choose your race.
                          Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                          HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


                          • *arabics


                            • Originally posted by Big Dad View Post
                              why didn't I think of that .

                              make it hold at least half a box of dry cereal, and you might have something...

                              Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                              I'm a sufferer...


                              • Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                                "People who have misophonia are most commonly angered by specific sounds, such as slurping, throat-clearing, nail-clipping, chewing, drinking, tooth-brushing, breathing, sniffing, talking, sneezing, yawning, walking, gum-chewing or popping, laughing, snoring, swallowing, gulping, typing, coughing, humming, whistling, singing, certain consonants, or repetitive sounds.[12][13] Sufferers experience fight/flight symptoms such as sweating, muscle tension, and quickened heartbeat. Some are also affected by visual stimuli, such as repetitive foot or body movements, fidgeting, or movement they observe out of the corners of their eyes. Intense anxiety and avoidance behaviour often develops, which can lead to decreased socialization. Some people feel the compulsion to mimic what they hear or see.[14] Mimicry is an automatic, non-conscious, and social phenomenon. It has a palliative aspect, making the sufferer feel better. The act of mimicry can elicit compassion and empathy, which ameliorates and lessens hostility, competition, and opposition. There is also a biological basis for how mimicry reduces the suffering from a trigger.[5]"

                                Wow I guess I have this too. I can't stand to hear my GF brushing her teeth. I have to leave the bathroom or automatically brush my teeth too. Or (fidgitingly) messing with her hair, drives me nuts.

