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Random PICTURE of the day thread *KEEP IT WORK SAFE*
Originally posted by Sean88gt View PostTried to gleam the cube. Failed."When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler
Originally posted by Binky View PostI see you didnt clean the doritos out of your shift boot.
here's a sample
Originally posted by austinkliOk so I bought another V6 mustang. BUT this was pretty much a deal I couldn't pass up. Since I'm driving the Saturn right now, I think even the Mustang haters will admit that this will make for a better daily driver than the Saturn, and I have every intention of either dropping a 5.0 into it, or if I'm too lazy I'll just flip it for a profit when I'm done. And it's kinda cool cause it's the same model and color as my wife's.
Story is I had a girl trade this 05 mustang in for a Jeep. After much arguing with my manager who wanted to give her $5k for her car, I convinced him to give her $1000 for it. Had to replace the battery in her Jeep and since we weren't making any money on the deal in the first place, boss said he was tacking it onto the cost of the trade making it $1200. I get to buy cars for $100 over our cost, hence $1,300 mustang.
It's Satin Silver exactly like my wifes, even has the same black stripe and all. V6 Automatic with red leather. Now let's get into the bad. This girl was the biggest pig you've seen in your entire life. Here's some pics from when I first traded the car in.
The disgusting trunk
And yes if you're wondering, those are thank god unused tampons laying in the back.
Day 1
So after getting a fucking mask and gloves, I start emptying the trunk out.
Yes that is her nasty ass old underwear and bra in the trunk
Along with empty vodka bottles, fast food wrappers, and more I found 9 of these in the trunk. Apparently she would just eat yogurt, and toss the empty container into the trunk.
Can't beat them, Join their NEW message board !!
Day 2
Moved to the inside. Let us look at how disgusting this bitch was.
The film of dirt on every inch of everything
That's not discoloration, it's a film of dirty nasty shit over it.
Yep, that black shit is mold on the leather
And yes that white shit you see in the back of all the trash, had some mold in the carpet.
I don't even know how the fuck she got stuff down into the shifter.
So I pull out the extractor and scrub brush and hit the carpet with hot water, and some chemicals.
Day 3
Decided to get to work on some of the interior stuff. Let us look at the E-brake. Groce!
Not perfect, but much better.
Can't beat them, Join their NEW message board !!
Originally posted by stephen4785 View Post
Originally posted by Binky View PostI see you didnt clean the doritos out of your shift boot.Originally posted by Da PrezFuck dfwstangs!! If Jose ain't running it, I won't even bother going back to it, just my two cents!!Originally posted by VETTKLR
Cliff Notes: I can beat the fuck out of a ZR1
Originally posted by stephen4785 View Post
Originally posted by Gear_Jammer View PostThis pic brings back some memories from when I was a baby lawyer. One morning I got a call from one of my heavy equipment clients saying there had been a serious accident with a fairly large Komatsu dozer they had on rental and that I need to get to the job site immediately. The guy was already gone by the time I got there, but was told he looked just like the guy in the pic above from the waste down. He was still alive, but obviously in bad shape. Within a couple of days my client got a nasty letter from the guy's attorney saying he was going to sue them and Komatsu for all the were worth because the accident was caused by some kind of design defect. The guy's story was that he exited the cab to do something and when he went to get back in the tracks engaged causing his client's foot to get stuck in the tracks and then pulling him under and running over his legs. In the end, the real story was that his client stopped the dozer and got out (without turning it off or setting the brake or anything) so he could go to his truck and smoke a joint and slam a couple beers. Once he was nice and loopy he climbed up on the tracks, reached in the cab to pull himself in, but grabbed the stick causing the tracks to start turning. He panicked and got his foot stuck in the tracks and was pulled under and it flatted him from his pelvis down. As if that wasn't bad enough, he was all alone on the job site and it was several hours until a co-worker showed up and found him. He lived, but lost his legs. It was terrible.Imprisoned inside this mind, hiding behind the empty smiles.....