I got a friend in Rhome. Older man. He has a full fledged bar in his back yard in what looks like a shop. Has some crazy parties out there.
Yeah I've thrown some big shindigs myself that would never work in Dallas. Last year a friend showed up with a s&w 500 revolver a saiga 12 and a bunch of dragons breath shells.
Non tapatalk Sig so the butt hurt va-JJs can stop crying about not being able to turn it off.
Its not a truck really, its a trailer. Its in the parking lot of the Shell gas station on Franklin and New Road. Felt like something not fast food and saw how cheap they were and how great it smelled. Beef, chicken, fajita and a bunch of Mexican words I didn't understand all for a buck each. He said he cooked up a little much meat so he threw in a 5th taco.
Man were they good. The green salsa (not salsa but not sure what to call it) was excellent. That is my new "go-to" taco place.
How are you feeling this morning? Tacos settled in well?
Originally posted by Da Prez
Fuck dfwstangs!! If Jose ain't running it, I won't even bother going back to it, just my two cents!!