Must've been in a different part of the world full of well off nerd kids. Everyone who was anyone had a bike that was used for more than cruising around. Banana seats were also considered queer, or for girls. The overwhelming consensus was to rather be seen on a Huffy than to ride a bike with a banana seat. I mean look at this ad:

This poor bastard is only happy because he's being paid to be on that pile of crap. I'm sure his school life was miserable, as well as the backlash after this ad was released.
Only reason why they are so collectable now is because no one had one back then.

This poor bastard is only happy because he's being paid to be on that pile of crap. I'm sure his school life was miserable, as well as the backlash after this ad was released.
Only reason why they are so collectable now is because no one had one back then.