funny, i feel whiter than ever cutting it up like this.
Delmo built this one, Grey Goose, he's canadian, about as white as it gets.
i havea 32"tire (100spoke 'dayton' that i will throw on it and see where it lays out on a big wheel, but i'm gonna keep them under 17", most likely always on a 15.
I don't think they could have destroyed that in a more unique fashion. Those rims are above and beyond ugly. I can understand a lowered old pickup with the ratrod look...that one is too far though. Please don't rape it.
Oh, and many white people have just as bad, or even worse tastes, than a lot of black folks. It's normal to see a black dude rolling in his hood-crusing donk, but a white guy...... here:
Originally posted by Buzzo
Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.
got the notches roughed in and fit the bed to see where it sits.. i dont think i need any moar low at this point. in fact, it'd be near impossible without losing the trailing arms, as they are bottoming out on the frame a good 4-6" before the axle sits up into the notch all the way.. i'm, calling it done for now. gonna get the bag mounts welded in sometime in the next week or so, and from there on, its all about switching my maxstar over to TIG and getting the 5.3/turbo(or two) set up in it. Probably gonna do twins because i have the piping laylout already in my head. (both down pipes exiting just under the fire wall, no need to notch the trailing arm cross member, use turbo's as mufflers and with low compression and a mild cam, it shouldnt be too outta hand.
The front will sit a bit lower as i will end up running a 205/65/15 up front, in hopes that i can clear the inner fenders, and still use my stock hinges, otherwise im fuxored in that department. the rear will get the tubs removed and sectioned if i have to, to raise them UP for sure, and inward if i have to, i'd like to fit a 255/60 drag radial out back. both front and rear tires will have a white wall ground in, and i am using my current tires to get practice with it.. i'll post those pics once i switch grinders
long post here's pics
and one of where this bitch started out, like forever ago...
for those that dont know, this truck has been in the family for 33 years now, im the dickhead grandson thats cutting it all up, but hopefully my son will dig it and it'll stay another 33 years!
At least it's not sitting around rotting and you seem like you truly wanna finish it!