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Random PICTURE of the day thread *KEEP IT WORK SAFE*

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  • Originally posted by Jester View Post
    have you treated anyone for it? all bullshit aside.

    The bottom line is that it is FAR safer than the other stuff.

    as far as being allergic to it....i am allergic to everything and some types of weed i have been around makes me sneeze my ass off. Not sure if it is the mj or pollen and other stuff stuck to its sticky goodness.
    There's always somebody alergic to something. I'm alergic to dumbasses. (Not directed at you). You don't see me eating them.


    • Originally posted by CJ View Post
      Are his fucking EYES open?
      Yes. How else is he going to drive?


      • Originally posted by Jester View Post
        Get out of here with all that logic, you dirty hippy!
        Instead of being such a whiny bitch, why not move to Colorado and find some hack to diagnose you with glaucoma so you can sit there on your dumbass, smoke up and ponder more how you hate life. Fucking Mexican murderer.


        • Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
          There's always somebody alergic to something. I'm alergic to dumbasses. (Not directed at you). You don't see me eating them.
          I've ate out some pretty stupid girls. Just sayin.
          .223 > 911


          • Originally posted by SouthernSVT View Post
            I've ate out some pretty stupid girls. Just sayin.
            Now that you mentioned it...


            • Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
              Instead of being such a whiny bitch, why not move to Colorado and find some hack to diagnose you with glaucoma so you can sit there on your dumbass, smoke up and ponder more how you hate life. Fucking Mexican murderer.
              I would rather hear someone whine, than have some jack-ass tell me what i can't do because they don't like it.
              .223 > 911


              • LMAO this debate cracks me up!


                • Originally posted by SouthernSVT View Post
                  I would rather hear someone whine, than have some jack-ass tell me what i can't do because they don't like it.
                  You rebel you. It's for your own good. Hush.


                  • Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                    You rebel you. It's for your own good. Hush.
                    You sound like way more of a jackass than the pro pot guys.
                    ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


                    • Originally posted by Jester View Post
                      Well Matt, argue against it then. I had done my research thoroughly before the first time i ever smoked and it is the only illegal drug I have ever done.......kinda kills that whole "gateway drug" theory.

                      I have been on sites arguing against it and i just cant seem to find a good one against it. Lung cancer?.......well, bake it and eat it or use a vaporizer.
                      I have mixed feeling about weed. My mom and dad smoked weed all of my life. My dad fought depression a lot so most of the time he would sit around the house and watch NOVA or sleep all day. Once he smoked a joint/bowl he got real productive and would go to work, build something, or go play ball or something with me and my sister. Or all of the above. He also died of lung cancer @ 49y/o but I think it had more to do with smoking 2 packs of cigs a day for 20 years. Most of my dads friends were full on pot smoking retards and I didnt want to be anything like them. Probably the reason me and my sister never tried it. For my dad I think it was a great thing. He'd go months without it and be fine or he'd smoke every day and be productive as hell.
                      On the other end of the spectrum you have jackass's like my wifes cousins daughter who got pregnant @ 16, continued to smoke weed every day and couldn't figure out how come she had a miscarriage. Her argument is that weed is natural so it doesn't effect the unborn baby.
                      It's like anything else we do. People either do it responsibly or they set horrible examples of what not to do.


                      • Now enough of the pot commentary. Back to pics


                        • I want one ^^^^
                          .223 > 911


                          • I think im allergic to it, but it doesnt kill me. I tried it in the past and thought i was gunna die from all the puking i did.

                            The smell of it gives me a headache.

                            I know alot of successful alcoholics as well as pot heads. It always depends on the user when it comes to pot.

                            My dad has asked one thing of me. When he is older we can take away the beer, but please dont take his weed. He smokes daily all day everyday. I dont think he knows how to function as a sober member of society.


                            • Originally posted by stephen4785 View Post
                              Now enough of the pot commentary. Back to pics
                              I find this very interesting.
                              "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                              "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                              • "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                                "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler

