Originally posted by naynay
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Oh look, a black dude who is an Obama supporter and a proud democrat. Fucking shocker. That shit never happens and is a complete anomaly!
Oh wait, no.

95%. Ninety-five percent of black people voted for a black man. That totally shows independent thought on behalf of that huge segment of the population! I don't fucking get it. Republicans freed the slaves, Democrats start the Ku Klux Klan. It was the Democrats who fought to keep blacks in slavery and passed the discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow laws as well. Democrats disenfranchised blacks during the reconstruction and up until the civil rights movement (and voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act), and even Martin Luther King was a Republican. But by golly the are the party of the people! Also blacks tend to forget that it was Republicans who founded the Historically Black Colleges and Universities. But I digress, Obama is a black man and blacks will, and did blindly vote for him. It is truly unbelievable and the only thing more shocking would be a Jewish person casting his or her vote for Barry after being a total dick towards Israel.