Two of his friends died, and Dillon Wall, 18, is still recovering from a brain injury, paralysis on the side of his face, hearing loss and broken teeth from his car’s collision with a state trooper on a dark road in Carroll County five months ago.
Five seconds before the crash, the trooper was going 91 mph, although he wasn’t on an emergency call or pursuing anyone.
“The officer chose to speed. The officer chose to do this,” Lena Wall, Dillon’s aunt, said Thursday. “And his choice killed two people.”
Teens’ families angry that ex-trooper not charged in crash photo
Channel 2 Action News
Kylie Hope Lindsey, 17 (left), and Isabella Alise Chinchilla, 16, died from their injuries following a September crash in Carroll County. (Photo: Channel 2 Action News)
A Carroll County grand jury this week declined to charge former state trooper Anthony Scott with any crime in connection with the accident. And the families of the four teenagers in the crash are unhappy about it.
What the article doesn't state is that an officer gets to give a statement to the Grand Jury before an indictment. Us average people do not.