Made a deal for the LTD LX SSP car, will be picking her up the weekend of the 15th. Talk about a plain vanilla wrapper, should be a fun project though! She served her time with the Washington State Patrol back in the day.
Pretty basic to start, ditch the CFI for a carb, get some decent rolling stock, which will necessitate a 5 lug swap. It would be nice to find an original center console and swap over to a floor shift, but those parts are pretty much impossible to find.
Long term, SEFI swap would be nice, so probably grab a crate motor to make some more power, then some sort of blower/turbo?
I sincerely hope the new rolling stock will keep the dog dishes. Cool project!
Looks boring as hell, but I guess that's the point. Whatever you do, I would source a spotlight to fill the hole in the A pillar. That thing just screams "Johnny law". Might as well embrace it.
Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.
Unity part #225V-H for the spot light and #199 for the mount kit, already ordered. Just need to make sure that there isn't a passenger side hole as well. It's about $300 just for the drivers side parts.
Looks boring as hell, but I guess that's the point. Whatever you do, I would source a spotlight to fill the hole in the A pillar. That thing just screams "Johnny law". Might as well embrace it.