Buddy texted this to me today, he was showing a house, walked out back in the backyard and this dog was on top of the fence..... No table or platform in the pen mind you...
I left Chopper at a dog daycare place in Torrance a few times when I would fly home from work for the weekend. They really got to know him, because he would scale the 12' chain link fence and stand outside their door at night whining to be let in to sleep in their bed. It worked! The little bastard slept with them every night while I was gone. They told me he was the only dog that ever did that. Probably BS but I thought it was cool.
When the government pays, the government controls.
My mom's Vizsla has to be put in one of the covered kennels at the doggy daycare/boarding place, because she'll scale a fence like that and walk along the top like a fucking circus act.
I have a very lazy healer mix that wont walk 3 houses down without walking up driveways like we are home again. One night I heard the dogs going nuts, walked out back to see a pretty good size opossum on top of the 6' wood fence hissing at the dogs. As soon as it saw me, it started running down the fence, and she leaped up to the top of the fence and ran down it for 15' or so after it. It shocked me to see, and I watched it, laughing in awe. Ive never seen her jump higher than onto the bed.
"If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford