Well last week me and my three cousins decided to hit up the coast. No planning or anything it was a random spur of the moment type deal. I was in need of a rest from trailers lol. I would have posted up sooner except my iPhone six is somewhere in the bottom of the golf of Mexico right now. But I was able to recover some photos from my photo bucket That was backed up.
Unfortunately fishing wasn't that good because of a red tide.
Every good road trip starts with our "designated driver" drinking wild turkey from Dallas to padre non stop lol.

This bigass shark was pretty cool.

Driving around.

Only the good shit.

Setting up.

Sea turtle.

This is where we had the most fun. We're drunk as fuck and decided to go out in the middle of that canal and do wrestling moves lol. That's when I realized I had my iPhone in my pocket the whole time instead of leaving it in the truck FML

As night fell we had to catch something to throw on the grill for the next day. Then we caught this guy.

Our chef overcooked it for little bit but it was still freaking amazing.

The shrimp was being used for bait it was still alive so we put the rest on the grill.
Unfortunately fishing wasn't that good because of a red tide.
Every good road trip starts with our "designated driver" drinking wild turkey from Dallas to padre non stop lol.

This bigass shark was pretty cool.

Driving around.

Only the good shit.

Setting up.

Sea turtle.

This is where we had the most fun. We're drunk as fuck and decided to go out in the middle of that canal and do wrestling moves lol. That's when I realized I had my iPhone in my pocket the whole time instead of leaving it in the truck FML

As night fell we had to catch something to throw on the grill for the next day. Then we caught this guy.

Our chef overcooked it for little bit but it was still freaking amazing.

The shrimp was being used for bait it was still alive so we put the rest on the grill.