You got busted, pull the fuck over and face the music.
I agree. I see no point in running. Even if you get away you would still have to look over your shoulder everyday. They will find you and it likely would not be a time that was convenient.
Sorry. The cops weren't the ones who forced her to run, wreck and subsequently die. I do think that their initial response when they knew the vehicle was on fire was to walk from the squad car empty handed. I almost certain that every car has an extinguisher. That should have been the first thing they grabbed and ran or at least put a little something in their step. Sorry chick died but those are the risks of watching touch Fast and Furious.
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We have zero extinguishers in our cars. In my last city it was very random and half of those had no charge.
Then I stand corrected. Out of all the shit in the trunk of those cars and no extinguisher seems pretty silly but that is just opinion.
I was first to a fire in Lancaster one time. Jumped out, ran in the house with my extinguisher and a big puff of nothing. Buddy pulls up, I run out and grab his extinguisher from his trunk and also empty. I bounced that bastard down the street and dropped one F bomb after another. I know damn good and well mine was charged the day before and the night guys were fucking around and emptied it. FD pulled up right after and the heros put out the wall outlet! Honestly FD usually beats us there or we just show up and get everyone out of the house. But really good for just this instance.
Nope. Don't fucking run from the cops when you're caught doing something that is a known felony. If you are going to run, for Christ's sake, please drive better than a DSO in a patrol cruiser. Geez.
Originally posted by PGreenCobra
I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
Camaro Driver couldn't handle his adrenaline (and alcohol?). He had outrun the cop if he had slowed down to a controllable speed he probably would have made the escape. Instead he went tunnel blind and died. Put the blame where it belongs
We have zero extinguishers in our cars. In my last city it was very random and half of those had no charge.
Seriously? Damn man I carry 2 in my personal truck for that rare chance I might need it in an emergency....I thought it was pretty much a given that all police carried at least a little C02 extinguisher. That shocks me.
I agree. I see no point in running. Even if you get away you would still have to look over your shoulder everyday. They will find you and it likely would not be a time that was convenient.
If you make it you are home free unless you are one of the many fools out there that have a car registered in their own name.
Camaro Driver couldn't handle his adrenaline (and alcohol?). He had outrun the cop if he had slowed down to a controllable speed he probably would have made the escape. Instead he went tunnel blind and died. Put the blame where it belongs
It is tough to tell if you are still being pursued when you are busy driving. Even if your pursuers are a mile behind you that is still less then a minute away. The best tactic to use if traffic will allow for it is to use a high top speed to put distance between yourself and your pursuers. Once you lose sight of them take a left and keep moving at a good rate of speed at a right angle to the direction your pursuers would be coming from. It also helps immensely if you have a plan of action to follow during the pursuit vs winging it like the soon to be dead driver was doing; rabbits always circle back and a smart dog knows that.....
Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
Damn. I did a lot of stupid shit when I was a teenager. I'm thankful I never paid the ultimate price, and that nobody else ever died because of it. This idiot was 29, and knows better.
Damn. I did a lot of stupid shit when I was a teenager. I'm thankful I never paid the ultimate price, and that nobody else ever died because of it. This idiot was 29, and knows better.
So what is your solution? Let them do as they please? Let's just stop going after murderers too, since they are dangerous.
I dont have a solution obviously, or i would have posted it in the first post.