Originally posted by LaserSVT
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not trying to svo you, but this reminds me of the early '04 Cummins I bought back in '07. This older guy special ordered it. It was a short bed 1 ton high output 6sp manual.
he put nozzles, head studs, compound turbos, a dual disk clutch, dynatrac hub conversion, a nice tuning module, and the top of the line lift at the time... billet control arms, progressive springs, reservoir shocks, etc. the PARTS invoice for the lift was $10k... all told it was over $20k in parts... never mind the labor
it had 65k miles on it and he had it priced below what that truck was even selling for bone stock. he DELIVERED it to me for $17k. I had it for 6 months and sold it for $25k and the dude who bought it couldn't bring me the money quick enough.
not trying to one up, just sharing in the joy of a sweet deal!
