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  • No FTP lately?

    Two local attorneys announced plans Thursday to file a civil rights claim against the city of Rohnert Park on behalf of a man who made a widely viewed cellphone video of an encounter with a police officer who drew his service handgun.

    The city of Rohnert Park, meanwhile, announced Thursday it had placed the officer on paid administrative leave and would bring in an outside investigator to conduct a full review of the incident.

    Santa Rosa attorney Daniel Beck said a yet-to-be-filed claim on behalf of Rohnert Park resident Don McComas would effectively “tell the city of Rohnert Park that enough is enough, and it has to stop and it is going to stop.”

    Beck and his son, attorney Jarin Beck, said they had recently been retained to represent McComas.

    McComas didn’t attend Thursday’s news conference. Asked about the absence, Daniel Beck said the Rohnert Park man was receiving medical attention and under doctors’ orders as a result of the July 29 encounter.

    The five-minute video has been viewed more than 360,000 times on YouTube. It begins with McComas outside his home, recording a marked police SUV driving into a cul de sac.

    After sitting about two minutes in the SUV, an officer exits, walks up toward McComas and orders him to remove his left hand from his pocket. When McComas refuses, the officer draws his semi-automatic handgun.

    “That is a position of assault,” Daniel Beck said. “Mr. McComas did nothing to deserve that position. … So our position is that we have a clear abuse and we’re going to pursue it.”

    During the encounter, said Beck, McComas “thought he was going to die. He thought he was going to be shot.”

    Jarin Beck described his client as “a very longtime resident of Rohnert Park” who works in Sonoma County and has young children and a son of 18 or 19 years old.

  • #2
    They be a lookin fo a settlement


    • #3
      Omg. It would be over so fast if people comply with the blue.


      • #4
        I would like more background why the police have a problem with his family.


        • #5
          Example: if someone was talking shit to you and put their hand in their pocket what would you do if you were carring?


          • #6
            Originally posted by GT Fanatic View Post
            I would like more background why the police have a problem with his family.


            • #7
              Originally posted by lincolnboy View Post
              Example: if someone was talking shit to you and put their hand in their pocket what would you do if you were carring?
              Looking for definition of carring? carring explanation. Define carring by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary.


              • #8
                The camera guy is a dumbass. I hate mother fuckers like this who have no life other than going around with their cameras looking for trouble. It's probably been his wet dream to run into a cop who over reacted a little. So he can be a YouTube hero,

                Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by lincolnboy View Post
                  Example: if someone was talking shit to you and put their hand in their pocket what would you do if you were carring?
                  If you go out of your way try and be alpha dog then you should expect shit to happen. Don't start none, ain't gonna be none. Cop could have simply drove off.
                  Originally posted by soap View Post
                  The camera guy is a dumbass. I hate mother fuckers like this who have no life other than going around with their cameras looking for trouble. It's probably been his wet dream to run into a cop who over reacted a little. So he can be a YouTube hero,
                  It's not like he went out of his way to record anything. He was in front of his house. Cop knew he didn't have shit on him which is why he wouldn't enter his property (other than to defiantly stick his foot on his grass) and that is why he left. The person recording was well within his right to be a "crazy constituionalist" and record the po-lice.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                    If you go out of your way try and be alpha dog then you should expect shit to happen. Don't start none, ain't gonna be none. Cop could have simply drove off.

                    It's not like he went out of his way to record anything. He was in front of his house. Cop knew he didn't have shit on him which is why he wouldn't enter his property (other than to defiantly stick his foot on his grass) and that is why he left. The person recording was well within his right to be a "crazy constituionalist" and record the po-lice.

                    Who gives a fuck if they guy videos you. I would have just pulled up and tried to BS with him or said thank you and driven off. Almost 14 years and never lost my cool, you just can't let people push your buttons. Oh and for the record we slow roll all the time, don't feel special.
                    Whos your Daddy?


                    • #11
                      I would be happy if a cop took the time to cruise my hood, the more presence the less crime.


                      • #12
                        Methinks there's more to this story than meets the camera.
                        Originally posted by PGreenCobra
                        I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
                        Originally posted by Trip McNeely
                        Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
                        dont downshift!!
                        Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


                        • #13
                          Regardless if there's more to the story or not does not justify this cop's actions. I read an article where the cop is allegedly "dying" to tell his side of the story. Who gives a fuck what his side of the story is. I can't imagine a cop backing off with his gun unholstered if the person recording did indeed do something illegal. Is that how we citizens should act? Someone offends us in some way so we harass them with our gun drawn?


                          • #14
                            Rohnert Park Cops Raid Home of Man who Criticized Them on FB

                            Rohnert Park police have managed to find themselves in the spotlight again after yet another resident claims police used excessive force against him.

                            This time, a man named Greg Del Secco said that police showed up to his home unannounced two weeks ago, so he raised his arms to show that he was not a threat.

                            But they took that as a sign that he was a threat, grabbing his hands, pulling them behind his back and handcuffing him, forcing him to sit on a curb while they raided his home without a warrant.

                            Their claim: A 911 caller reported hearing a woman screaming for help from inside his home.

                            But no screaming woman was even found inside his home.

                            Del Secco believes the raid was in retaliation for posting critical comments on the department’s Facebook page after the earlier incident involving his co-worker, Don McComas

                            It was just a few weeks ago when McComas was outside of his home when a Rohnert Park police officer drew his service weapon and began following him around his property.

                            Video of the incident, posted below, quickly went viral, leading to officer Dave Rodriguez being placed on paid administrative leave.

                            Del Secco exercised his First Amendment to express his grievances with the actions of the Rohnert Park police officer towards his fellow coworker.

                            But his Facebook comment post was subsequently deleted and seven days later, his home was raided by three Rohnert Park police officers.

                            Chief Steve Masterson claims the connection is an “odd coincidence.”

                            Del Secco told KTVU that three Rohnert Park police officers came to his house in the early morning and started banging on his door.

                            Del Secco came to the door and opened it, making sure to keep his hands visible for his safety.

                            “I put it out so they could see my hand, knowing that I wasn’t opening it with a weapon or anything like that,” Del Secco said. “As that hand, and I stepped out, they grabbed that hand and twisted it behind my back and started cuffing me and taking me off the porch.”

                            Del Secco was then lead away from his home by armed officers and sat on the curb in front of his house, handcuffed, while officers with drawn guns raided his home, only to come up empty handed.

                            Concerned neighbors began to take photographs of Del Secco, in a tank top and shorts, sitting handcuffed against his will, in front of his own house.

                            The Rohnert Park Police Department says the 911 telephone call came from someone claiming to be 200 feet away from Del Secco’s property.

                            When asked for the 911 recording, Police Chief Steve Masterson claimed he didn’t have to release the tape.

                            PINAC has since sent a public records request for that 911 tape and will update the story once it has arrived. Del Secco says he wasn’t doing anything wrong, and had no idea why officers visited his home.

                            Police Chief Steve Masterson says Del Secco was suspicious for putting his hands in the air.

                            “To me that an indication that he has some involvement in something that’s gone on inside that house,” said Masterson.

                            To the rest of America, it’s an indication that citizens are taking extra precautions to prevent themselves from being shot.

                            Civil rights attorney John Burris agrees with Del Secco, stating he acted appropriately before the officers cuffed him.

                            “It’s the one lesson we give everybody: always make sure your hands can be seen by an officer,” said Burris. “It should not have been perceived as a threat of any kind.”

                            Unfortunately for Chief Masterson, the courts are going to decide.

                            McComas, through his attorney Daniel Beck, has announced they plan to sue the city.

                            The lawsuit will be for abuse of power and violation of Mr. McComas’ civil rights.

                            McComas has had to receive medical care after his incident with the Rohnert Park Police Department.

                            “He thought he was going to die. He thought he was going to be shot. He thought there was nobody around, nobody can see this,” said Beck.

                            As for Del Secco, officers did not find anything inside his home and eventually released him.

                            If you leave a comment on the department’s Facebook page, please make a screenshot in case they delete it, so we can prepare possible legal action against them for censorship.

