What the hell is this thing?? It was huge before the poison. It scared the shit out me and damn near stung me.
Originally posted by Taya Kyle, American Gun
There comes a time when honest debate, serious diplomatic efforts, and logical arguments have been exhausted and only men and women willing to take up arms against evil will suffice to save the freedom of a nation or continent.
One of the signs of summer in Texas, and throughout the eastern U.S., is the cicada killer. ?Over the past month or two you may have noticed dime-sized holes appearing in your yard or garden. ?While many insects (beetles and ants, for example) dig holes, few are so conspicuous as the cicada killer wasp, Sphecius speciosus. Cicada killer wasps are easy to spot due to their large size; they are typically 1-1/2 to two inches in length. The female cicada killer digs homes for her young in home... Read More →
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776
They are pretty cool actually. I've seen them dig holes and bring cicadas into them to eat. I have a few around my house every year. I leave them alone and they are gone in a few weeks.
I leave yellow jacket alones because they never mess with me, so I don't bother them. However, I hate red wasps because they are aggressive and the above poster sums up their attitude. I've been stung by them multiple times without provocation. Yesterday, I had one that took an interest in me. He flew up to me and without warning, landed on my hand and crawled up my arm, then flew away. I was surprised, but relieved that he didn't sting me.
Working outside I get stung by every fucking thing in the world but I have never been stung by one of those. Most stings don't even bother me anymore but I had one knock me out cold and made me jizz in my shorts.
Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
that thing would have left you alone OP, stop running from the little shit in life!
Nope, nope, nope. Something that big, wasp like, flying into my garage?? It is going to die. Period. I don't care if if farts cherry scent and pisses whiskey.
Originally posted by Taya Kyle, American Gun
There comes a time when honest debate, serious diplomatic efforts, and logical arguments have been exhausted and only men and women willing to take up arms against evil will suffice to save the freedom of a nation or continent.
He flew up to me and without warning, landed on my hand and crawled up my arm, then flew away. I was surprised, but relieved that he didn't sting me.
Nope, woulda been flailing about like an epileptic.
Used to own honey bees, the sting was never too bad, but for some reason I always hated the thought of the sting. I'll let most wasps/hornet nests live, until they show any aggression towards me/the wife, then it's time for them to meet fire.