Originally posted by SS Junk
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How mckinney cops break up pool parties
Originally posted by Big A View PostI don't condone any of it, but a different/calmer officer response would not have made it turn out any different.
All those kids don't know when it's time to haul ass away from a party. Cops show up, you leave; very simple.
Originally posted by clevelandkid View PostWell, the ones that "visit" my communities pools sure don't. They sit around the outer edge perusing the white b!tches, mean mugging and hoping somebody would step on they new jordans. Because expensive shoes are much more practical than sandals at the pool.
We have security run them off too.
As far as the original video, I don't have a problem with any of it. Maybe those "urban youths" should consider the following:
1. Don't show up to a TPC golf course community where you aren't invited to and have no business being at in the first place.
2. Don't scale fences, hide in bushes, advertise on FB and twiiter etc.
3. Don't try to reenact the freaknik at the country club pool.
4. Don't harass the residents who pay quite a bit of money to live in a nice PRIVATE community.
5. When the cops come, usually things like yes sir, no sir go a long way. Trying to run, disobeying instructions, yelling I dindu nuffin, and swarming a cop while he is detaining your home girl are all not helpful. You are not going to win an argument. If you have a gripe, by all means, film the interaction and take it up in court.
6. After you have been thrown out of a neighborhood you don't belong in, don't come back later to vandalize vehicles and houses because you feel disrespecked.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Some things I saw/heard...
The cops were detaining some of them and would not let them leave. If they tried, the cops would accuse them of running. Then again, it may have been a valid reason for keeping the particular people.
As for the girl, was she not the one in the fight video before the cops arrived pulling on the white woman's hair? I know we only see the part of the video the media wants us to see, but the girl appeared to be sitting down and not a threat. So was she told to sit or to leave? It seemed to me, if she was sitting down and doing nothing but running her mouth, I don't get why the cop made her get up unless he was about to cuff her or lead her to a car. I got better things to do than study all this from an armchair much longer.
Originally posted by jefehbk View PostOf course fox4 and all the other sensationalist news outlets will play up the fact a white cop threw a black girl on the ground.Originally posted by SBFORDTECH View PostFox News (national) just played the 5-10 seconds of the vid where D McD slammed the girl and pulled his weapon on the few that charged him up and then asked if the officer overreacted.
Well, they just covered it. Rachel Maddow could've done better.
A video recorded by one attendee at the party showed an officer wrestling a bikini clad woman to the ground.
Originally posted by big_tiger View PostX2 I can see why he pulled a gun, because two guys were trying to catch him offgaurd while he dealt with the girl on the ground. Two guys try to bow up against me I am doing the same thing.
All those kids don't know when it's time to haul ass away from a party. Cops show up, you leave; very simple.
The narrative is out...they were just attending a pool party... No mention of 100+ teens crashing a private community pool."Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey
A bunch a feral blacks kids emboldened by a lawless President and race baiters like Sharpton/Holder/Lynch enter and abuse a private facility & fight with legitimate guests.... and the police are the ones a fault?
You gotta be kidding me. I don't consider myself a racist in the slightest, but these kind of situations are justification for it for sure.
Kudos to the Mckinney City Police Department.
and yes, we own a home in that very Community.