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FWPD shoots homeless mans dog

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Baba Ganoush View Post
    Lol! You've seen some injuries? Wow! What an expert!

    Two is not the same as one. Again, you have zero clue what you're talking about. I am aware of the damage they cause, but they're not skilled hunters or martial artists. Simple training teaches even the dumbest folks how to keep from being the victim, and it doesn't involve a firearm and a dead pet.

    Calling me clueless just shows your ignorance. It's ok though, you're in the majority when it comes to aggressive dogs, most folks are meant to be victims. Otherwise the cops and concerned citizens would all have bears guarding their ass.
    jesus fucking douchebag christ. Surely you're just trolling. You can't be serious.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Magnus View Post
      jesus fucking douchebag christ. Surely you're just trolling. You can't be serious.
      You say a pile of dumb shit all the time. Don't act innocent.


      • #33
        Originally posted by racrguy View Post
        You say a pile of dumb shit all the time. Don't act innocent.
        Well, in my defense, so do you.

        That's all I got.


        • #34
          What takes place in this video I have personally experienced more times than I can count. Not trolling, just sick of seeing stupid fucking public servants killing peoples' pets. It's ridiculous.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Baba Ganoush View Post
            What takes place in this video I have personally experienced more times than I can count.

            Not trolling, just sick of seeing stupid fucking public servants killing peoples' pets. It's ridiculous.
            Glad to hear it, Hulk. Now go show those pussies how it's really done!
            Get a youtube channel started of you invading someone's property, and pull and Randy Orton on their pet! Go do it, you big bad ass man you! Show those fucking pussies how it's done!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Magnus View Post
              Glad to hear it, Hulk. Now go show those pussies how it's really done!
              Get a youtube channel started of you invading someone's property, and pull and Randy Orton on their pet! Go do it, you big bad ass man you! Show those fucking pussies how it's done!
              Lol. I'd be glad to! I've been professionally trespassing on peoples' properties for many, many years.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Baba Ganoush View Post
                Lol. I'd be glad to! I've been professionally trespassing on peoples' properties for many, many years.
                Seriously, get started on it. You're telling everyone here how much of a bad ass you are. Get that shit on youtube and show everyone you walk the talk.

                I've seen too many counter videos of dogs fucking destroying people to even want to attempt that shit. Put up some counter videos.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Magnus View Post
                  Seriously, get started on it. You're telling everyone here how much of a bad ass you are. Get that shit on youtube and show everyone you walk the talk.

                  I've seen too many counter videos of dogs fucking destroying people to even want to attempt that shit. Put up some counter videos.
                  I never said I was a badass, but I was called a "clueless twat" by dr. dipshit so I had to throw some creds. I don't need to prove shit.


                  • #39
                    Fucking cops. This isn't thier first rodeo. They are walking down there with weapons off safety for a reason. They know they are going to encounter, animals, crazy people, etc. Of course sneaking around and not announcing themselves is just asking for shit just like that.
                    Originally posted by Silverback
                    Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by YALE View Post
                      I agree that it looked like the dog charged the guy, but I'm saying they put themselves in that position. Should he have had a dog in the first place? Probably not. That could've been handled with better diplomacy is all I'm saying. Wait until the guy is up and about, then approach him from the safety of a vehicle, so he knows you're coming, and start a dialogue that ends with the punchline every bartender knows ten minutes into being a bartender: "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here."

                      EDIT: I am generally in agreement that if a dog charges you, it's a good idea to shoot it. My point is that if you purposefully put yourself in any situation where you have to shoot to defend yourself when you didn't have to, you're an idiot. I know cops have a hard job, and have to make hard choices, and don't often get a chance to plan things out as carefully as they'd like. This situation is like that scene in Top Gun. It's a victory, but a great example of what not to do.
                      I get what you're saying. I'm not arguing the actions that led up to the shooting. I couldn't hear anything that was said, so I can't argue the tactics that led up to that point.

                      I'm just saying I would have done the same from the point the dog ran at him to the point where he shot. Everyone thinks you can just kick a dog and that will be the end of it, it will just tuck tail and run.


                      • #41
                        Agreed there. I just think they're retards for going about it that way.
                        ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by YALE View Post
                          Agreed there. I just think they're retards for going about it that way.
                          Yes it's almost of if they intend for bad shit to happen. Imagine you're camping legally on your own property and a bunch of guys with firearms are sneaking around poking around in shit unannounced.

                          This is the kind of shit that happens when the average moron will vote for anything that provides "increased security" in the name of "safety."

                          I'm not going to repeat what Ben Franklin said about security and liberty because I find it ironic given today's police and gov't. It's almost like every single ideal our country was founded on is now a steaming pile of shit.

                          Say whatever you guys like but this man's 4th amendment rights were trampled and then his dog was killed to add insult to injury.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
                            Yes it's almost of if they intend for bad shit to happen. Imagine you're camping legally on your own property and a bunch of guys with firearms are sneaking around poking around in shit unannounced.

                            This is the kind of shit that happens when the average moron will vote for anything that provides "increased security" in the name of "safety."

                            I'm not going to repeat what Ben Franklin said about security and liberty because I find it ironic given today's police and gov't. It's almost like every single ideal our country was founded on is now a steaming pile of shit.

                            Say whatever you guys like but this man's 4th amendment rights were trampled and then his dog was killed to add insult to injury.
                            Was he camping on his on property? I assumed he was squatting on someone elses.


                            • #44
                              I think he was squatting on public property, or smooth trespassing. Either way, I doubt he'd have a 4th Amendment claim.
                              ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Baba Ganoush View Post
                                Absolutely not.
                                I'm not going to call names like the others, but here is my point. You can't see the future. If that dog sunk its teeth into your leg, like any normal human being, I'm guessing you'd pull the trigger. You talk like a dog is a machine, and one need only perform the correct actions to get the same result every time. If he's decided to bite, you're gonna get bit. Barring your own intervention, of course. Some dogs don't give a shit about your tactics and are going to tear you a new one no matter what. If you've ever watched that show "The dog whisperer" that guy gets bit plenty. If he gets bit, no question that you or I would get bit. Granted I'm not saying, we get bit every single time. Just under certain circumstances. In the vid, the guy was like 8 feet away, and the dog couldn't see anything before he charged out there. To me, it looked like he had every intention of latching on.

                                Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                                You say a pile of dumb shit all the time. Don't act innocent.
                                Have you checked broncojohnny's sig lately? You got him beat by a loooooooooooooonnnnng, looooooooonnnng,


                                LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNG way.

                                Originally posted by Baba Ganoush View Post
                                Lol. I'd be glad to! I've been professionally trespassing on peoples' properties for many, many years.
                                I'm not arguing at this point, I'd actually like to hear more. I'm a bit of an urban explorer myself. Feel free to PM if necessary.

