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Fake beer prank

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  • #16
    Fake beer prank

    Originally posted by Buick355 View Post
    Everytime you are pulled over for a minor traffic infraction you throw your hands out the window? Seems like they might think you're too eager and probably hiding something.

    Yeah, if I were the cop I would assume he's habitual or up to no good.

    I do keep my hands on my lap or on the wheel though. And try not to more around before they come up. At night I'll turn on the light and open my window.


    • #17
      Hands at 10 and 2 on the wheel with my interior light on. It just eases their approach.


      • #18
        I like to yell out the window "you'll never take me alive" or "today is a good day to die!"

        Seems to get them really eager to protect and serve the shit out of me.


        • #19
          Originally posted by The Sarge View Post
          Is it just me? I don't think it's funny when people prank the police, there job is hard enough. When I am pulled over I turn on all the inside lights( at night) and put my hands out the window. I learned in Bosnia that you never know what you are pulling up to.
          I wasn't really on board with the guy doing bong rips of tobacco, but think it's pretty ridiculous that this chick cop went out of her way to run these three guys as soon as she knew they weren't drinking beer. Simply walking down the street with a yellow liquid in a mug should not be used as PC for a stop. I could maybe see it if they were drinking out of beer cans or 40oz bottles or something.

          This shouldn't even be considered a prank, but it is an excellent example of cops that put way too much effort into wasting time with stupid shit. Could have been as simple as the second cop's tactic. "What's in those cups? Ok, not beer, move along." Where was the need to run their info.

          I also hate the cops response about the one not having ID. "So you just walk around without ID?" Sure, why not? If you are not driving, especially if you are going to the beach, and assuming you have cash available for any purchases, why on earth would you need an ID?

          And that third cop that instantly start saying he smelled weed from them was fucking ridiculous as well. The first cop had mentioned nothing of the sort, nor did the second. The third was obviously just trying to intimidate them to consent for a search for a fishing expedition. BTW.. I assume they were at Venice Beach (at least that's what it looked like).. You can't walk 10 feet there without smelling weed or being approached about getting a medical marijuana card.


          • #20
            It would be nice if cop number 1 and 3 spent this much effort on real criminals instead of harassing kids for dumb shit. All about power tripping and zero about protect/serve.

