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More thugs on the street.

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  • #31

    A family from Hammond, Illinois was recently on their way to Stroger Hospital in Chicago, to visit a dying relative when they were attacked by police at a traffic stop.

    Lisa Mahone was on the way to the hospital to visit her dying mother, her boyfriend Jamal Jones, and her two children were also in the car at the time.

    The entire family was on their way to say their final goodbyes when they were pulled over by police because the Lisa was not wearing a seat belt.

    When police came to the window and asked Mahone for her license and registration, she gave that information to the officers and informed them that she was on her way to the hospital with her family to visit her dying mother.

    Ignoring her request, the police became aggressive, demanding that the passenger of the vehicle, Jamal Jones, also provide officers with his ID. Jones was not carrying his ID at the time, because it was taken by police in a recent encounter when he was ticketed for a traffic violation.

    Regardless of his reason, passengers of vehicles should not be expected to carry identification at all times. The idea of police being able to ask any person for identification without any reason is a tenant of fascism, which is becoming more and more prevalent in American by the day.

    To appease the officers, Jones attempted to give them a recent ticket he received, to prove his identity. However, when he reached for his bag, multiple officers drew their guns on the car, with two young children inside.

    At that point, Mahone called 911 to demand a supervisor and her 14-year-old child began recording the incident with his cellphone from the back seat.

    “I gave him my license and insurance. I also let him know at the beginning to please hurry up because my mom is about to die,” Mahone told 911.

    Meanwhile, the officers began to threaten Jones, using profanity, and demanding that he exit the car. Jones told them that he meant them no harm, and requested to speak with a supervisor.

    “You’re going to come out of the car one way or another. You want your kids to see you come out through the window?” the officer barked at Jones.

    Terrified, the family remained in the car, hoping that their 911 call for a supervisor would be taken seriously.

    After Mahone was off the phone, the officers surrounded the car and asked them to step out another time.



    • #32
      Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
      On the other hand, the kid did overdo it a bit.
      I don't think so. Especially if he really didn't do anything wrong. Forty-five year old with braces made it personal once be became butt hurt at the insults.


      • #33
        Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
        I don't think so. Especially if he really didn't do anything wrong. Forty-five year old with braces made it personal once be became butt hurt at the insults.
        I agree. The proper response from the kid would've been "Get fucked" followed closely by a slammed door.


        • #34
          Originally posted by bcoop View Post
          Because the resident Fiesta Store Manager/Beastiality Expert/Window Licking Retard said so.

          Because I hate disrespectful people, he needs a good ass whooping at the very least.

          Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...


          • #35
            Originally posted by soap View Post
            Because I hate disrespectful people, he needs a good ass whooping at the very least.
            Because the video starts after the confrontation has already begun, how do you know 45 y/o braces didn't come off as a prick to begin with?


            • #36
              Originally posted by soap View Post
              Because I hate disrespectful people, he needs a good ass whooping at the very least.
              So you'd be perfectly ok with a cop coming in your house, without a warrant, because someone accused you of wrong doing?


              • #37
                Originally posted by soap View Post
                Because I hate disrespectful people, he needs a good ass whooping at the very least.
                I hate creepy people with cow fetishes, and I think you need your ass beat.
                ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


                • #38
                  Originally posted by soap View Post
                  Because I hate disrespectful people, he needs a good ass whooping at the very least.
                  The entire thought process you've presented here is fucking stupid. It doesn't make two fucks if the guy offered them coffee, or told them to lick his taint. He isn't required to be nice to them, nor should he have been.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by samuel642000 View Post
                    So you'd be perfectly ok with a cop coming in your house, without a warrant, because someone accused you of wrong doing?
                    No you do not have permission to come in. That's all he had to say. It's not what he said it's how he said it. You'd be surprised how much better things go when you use a calm tone of voice. And a respectful demeanor. Think about your job and how you would feel One of your customers started disrespecting you like this. Sure it's a part of the job I get it. But you can't tell me it doesn't piss you off. And if the cop was being a prick first oh well. Two wrongs don't make a right get his fucking badge number and get your Day in court. This is a public discussion forum i'm just giving my opinion. But opinions are like assholes everyone's got one.

                    Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by soap View Post
                      That pothead needs to die.
                      Da fuq is wrong with you dude, glad I never met up with for that beer.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by soap View Post
                        No you do not have permission to come in. That's all he had to say. It's not what he said it's how he said it. You'd be surprised how much better things go when you use a calm tone of voice. And a respectful demeanor. Think about your job and how you would feel One of your customers started disrespecting you like this. Sure it's a part of the job I get it. But you can't tell me it doesn't piss you off. And if the cop was being a prick first oh well. Two wrongs don't make a right get his fucking badge number and get your Day in court. This is a public discussion forum i'm just giving my opinion. But opinions are like assholes everyone's got one.

                        I understand your point however we don't know what happened prior to the video starting. In my asshole(opinion) I believe the cop brought it upon himself overstepping his authority, and I really hope he loses his job over it.
                        Cops know they will face adversity, it's part of the job, however acting like you can do what you want because you have a badge is the main problem. You can tell a lot about a man by the way he treats people he doesn't have to respect. Which is clear here he doesn't give a fuck about they kid, or the laws, he's just going to do what he wants.

                        Now having said that if what the cop said is true, about him being able to enter the room, then I'd consider the kid fucked.

                        Now regarding your day in court it may be too late, read the thread on the confiscation by police. Makes you want to let a cop in without the proper paperwork huh ?


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by samuel642000 View Post
                          I understand your point however we don't know what happened prior to the video starting. In my asshole(opinion) I believe the cop brought it upon himself overstepping his authority, and I really hope he loses his job over it.

                          Now having said that if what the cop said is true, about him being able to enter the room, then I'd consider the kid fucked.

                          The cop that shoved his way in was fired. Kid reminded me of Jay from Jay and Silent Bob. lol


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by samuel642000 View Post
                            I understand your point however we don't know what happened prior to the video starting. In my asshole(opinion) I believe the cop brought it upon himself overstepping his authority, and I really hope he loses his job over it.
                            Cops know they will face adversity, it's part of the job, however acting like you can do what you want because you have a badge is the main problem. You can tell a lot about a man by the way he treats people he doesn't have to respect. Which is clear here he doesn't give a fuck about they kid, or the laws, he's just going to do what he wants.

                            Now having said that if what the cop said is true, about him being able to enter the room, then I'd consider the kid fucked.

                            Now regarding your day in court it may be too late, read the thread on the confiscation by police. Makes you want to let a cop in without the proper paperwork huh ?
                            Okay what you're saying makes sense. Because you're stating your point without being an asshole about it. Un like other people who feel such a need to bash. And talk shit just to be apart of the mindless follow-the-leader bandwagon.

                            Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by VaderTT View Post
                              Da fuq is wrong with you dude, glad I never met up with for that beer.

                              Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by soap View Post
                                Okay what you're saying makes sense. Because you're stating your point without being an asshole about it. Un like other people who feel such a need to bash. And talk shit just to be apart of the mindless follow-the-leader bandwagon.

                                Just because someone is an asshole doesn't mean what they're saying doesn't make sense. I also find it amusing you're talking about mindless following when it was the overzealous cop getting so upset at a kid that wasn't following his bullshit orders that he ended up getting fired over it. But hey, lets not get bogged down with silly little things like facts, or logic, we've got potheads to murder. Follow the leader indeed.

