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My Pops gave me his old .22 revolver

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  • My Pops gave me his old .22 revolver

    Went to Colorado for vacation and my Dad gave me his old .22 pistol. He bought it in 1966, I thought he got it in the late 50's all my life, but found out differently this week. Anyways, nothing much, a Ruger bearcat 22. My brother stole it once in his "bad kid" days, and buried it in a field. Years after my Dad got it back, he had it cleaned up to remove the rust, but it was not refinished. So, long story short, it is now my pistol!

    He originally bought it in his Air Force days, to shoot turtles he said. He was in Mississippi and the group of guys on base were supposed to shoot turtles every day. He said they only went once... Said the gun has probably had 3 boxes of ammo shot thru it since he owned it.

    Photobucket images:

  • #2
    Nice man!

    God bless.
    It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


    • #3
      Very cool man. Great looking gun.
      Originally posted by lincolnboy
      After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


      • #4
        Thanks guys! It has sentimental value. I've liked it since I was a kid.


        • #5
          Very cool, Rob!


          • #6
            I have a matching set of Bearcat .22s that where handed down from my grandpa. They r in rougher shape but still shoot..


            • #7
              Take care of that gun and it will last forever. They are fun plinkers.


              • #8
                Nothing like old steel. Buy ammo, shoot and enjoy!!
                Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                  Nothing like old steel. Buy ammo, shoot and enjoy!!
                  I bought a bucket of 22 LR's at a gun show, I think I have around 2000 rounds!


                  • #10
                    Nice gun, Rob.

                    Mary got her dad's little S&W .22 short nose. Believe to be a 50's era but I haven't verified that yet.



                    • #11
                      Very cool story and nice score.

                      Always nice to have a gun gifted down. My dad gave me a 22lr Luger that my grandfather carried when the company he worked for went on strike, Alford's Shipping and Warehousing. He was still going into work everyday and didn't want to take a chance on a disgruntled employee.


                      • #12
                        Here's the 22/32 Mary got from her dad.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by cobrajet69 View Post
                          Here's the 22/32 Mary got from her dad.

                          Nice!! Even got the original box.

