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Anyone into car audio?

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  • Originally posted by ceyko View Post
    Nice setup man.

    I used to love car audio, but never failed my car/truck/SUV would get hit once or twice a year to steal the stuff. The worst was when they could not remove the gear, but would still destroy the cabling/connectors/connections.

    Now I stay stock. More power to y'all though, it's nice having clean sounding music.
    You're missing out. With all the processors and summing devices on the market today, there is no reason you can not keep the stock headunit and retain the stock look by hiding amps and speakers. Sure, I would like to sell everyone a new 9" Alpine monitor but even a mid-line car today is going to have a screen, maybe nav, USB, AUX, a backup camera, steering wheel controls, SiriusXM, iPod control, Bluetooth, etc, etc. Most people do not want to rebuy all that just to make their system sound good. A good processor/summing device is much cheaper than a new highend deck and there are tons of 5 channel amps available. Many modern factory decks either don't clip or only clip at the very top of the volume range. Some decks have crazy EQ curves to make their $3 speakers sound better but some are really flat. You just need someone with a RTA and oscilloscope to see what the stock system is doing and select your interface from there.


    • The first purchase I make on a vehicle before I put in a system is a good 2-way alarm with decent range. Load it up with tilt sensor, back-up battery, horn honk, etc. There are also tricks to mounting/hiding stuff. They got me back in 2006 because I was in a meeting with my keys back in a drawer in my desk, and the vehicle was parked in a parking lot across the street. Bastards. But I've had much more elaborate systems ever since then, with zero issues. There are very few scenarios right now where I would feel like my stuff was vulnerable.


      • I have focal door speakers and rear speakers in my civic and they sound pretty darn good


        • Originally posted by jluv View Post
          The first purchase I make on a vehicle before I put in a system is a good 2-way alarm with decent range. Load it up with tilt sensor, back-up battery, horn honk, etc. There are also tricks to mounting/hiding stuff. They got me back in 2006 because I was in a meeting with my keys back in a drawer in my desk, and the vehicle was parked in a parking lot across the street. Bastards. But I've had much more elaborate systems ever since then, with zero issues. There are very few scenarios right now where I would feel like my stuff was vulnerable.
          That was the very first thing I did.

          But yeah, current processors are amazing. You used to have to pay 2k to get a good one like a Symmetry or Clean Sweep but now they are under $400 and can make any factory stereo have a ruler flat output to feed a nice amp and speakers.

          Here is an excellent thread on the subject that just poped up last week:

          Nowadays more and more car manufactures are choosing to integrate basic car functions (like temperature control or navigation) as part of the factory radio device. This makes them for the most part impossible to replace with a nice aftermarket head unit. So that leaves us with not many options...
          Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


          • One of you ballers should get a couple pairs of these speakers...


            • A buddy of mine owns Sound Advice in Baton Rouge and is putting a system in my truck next week. I am keeping the stock head unit and adding 2 pair of the Focal K2 165KXR2's for the doors and some JL subs/amp. The Focal speakers are the best sounding speakers I have ever heard. I can't imagine what the $$$ ones above sound like!


              • The Utopia Be speakers are simply amazing. The Beryllium tweeters are so crisp and detailed it makes you wanna cry. The midbass is a tad on the weak side but with a properly blended subwoofer its a non-issue. They can be had for $2200 without that crossover that is pretty much useless anyway due to everyone running them full active.

                Great choice on the K2s. They have one of my favorite tweeters and they are freakin loud.

                But for Focals top tier car system there is the Ultima. They are only $20,000 a pair.

                Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


                • Originally posted by LaserSVT View Post
                  That was the very first thing I did.

                  But yeah, current processors are amazing. You used to have to pay 2k to get a good one like a Symmetry or Clean Sweep but now they are under $400 and can make any factory stereo have a ruler flat output to feed a nice amp and speakers.

                  Here is an excellent thread on the subject that just poped up last week:

                  I don't know if Symmetry was ever 2K but the JL Cleansweep even including EVERY accessory (a total of 5 items), at full boat retail is only $705.95. The most Cleansweep items I have ever used together is 3. the cleansweep itself which is a stand alone unit if you don't need summing is $349.95 and has been since at least 2008. I did not look back any further than that.


                  • Originally posted by EW View Post
                    I don't know if Symmetry was ever 2K but the JL Cleansweep even including EVERY accessory (a total of 5 items), at full boat retail is only $705.95. The most Cleansweep items I have ever used together is 3. the cleansweep itself which is a stand alone unit if you don't need summing is $349.95 and has been since at least 2008. I did not look back any further than that.
                    It was 2007 when we got our first clean sweep and you are right, it was $700ish all in.
                    The Symmetry was 2k when it was still rack mount. By 2007 it shrunk down to a single small unit and was like 600ish I think.
                    Still, they have nothing compared to the current Mosconis or Alpines or JBLs. I think Mosconi 8 to 1 is the current top dog.
                    Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


                    • Originally posted by EW View Post
                      You're missing out. With all the processors and summing devices on the market today, there is no reason you can not keep the stock headunit and retain the stock look by hiding amps and speakers. Sure, I would like to sell everyone a new 9" Alpine monitor but even a mid-line car today is going to have a screen, maybe nav, USB, AUX, a backup camera, steering wheel controls, SiriusXM, iPod control, Bluetooth, etc, etc. Most people do not want to rebuy all that just to make their system sound good. A good processor/summing device is much cheaper than a new highend deck and there are tons of 5 channel amps available. Many modern factory decks either don't clip or only clip at the very top of the volume range. Some decks have crazy EQ curves to make their $3 speakers sound better but some are really flat. You just need someone with a RTA and oscilloscope to see what the stock system is doing and select your interface from there.
                      I just bought a 2014 F150 with the basic radio and would like to change out the front speakers for something with more clarity. I'm concerned that if I replace the door speakers I would need to eliminate the pillar tweeters which I'm guessing are responsible for the high "sound stage" that I like. I'm not crazy about the thought of nice door speakers with no pillar speakers and it sounding like the sound is coming from the floor. Hopefully that makes sense. After a few years in Field Artillery and body shops I think my hearing is kinda shot anyway. Any thoughts on what you might recommend?


                      • Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
                        yes, but they smell like ashtrays.

                        I can't wait to hear the review on the new tweets.
                        Well I can give you some more updates. The new tweeter showed up as did the new amp so I was able to run the system full active now. Been a couple days and I am thrilled beyond words. These tweeters are just amazing! They sound unlike anything I ever heard before. They have the crisp detailed and very airy highs of the old ribbon EMIT tweeters but are significantly louder and able to play to a much lower frequency. I have them high passed at 2.5khz with a 24db slope. My mids are high passed at 80hz with a 12db slope and low passed at 2.5khz with a 30db slope. Subs take over at 63hz with a 36db slope.
                        Sound stage is high and wide which is amazing considering the tweeters are at knee level.
                        Only downside is they are huge and VERY directional. Took some work to get them aimed properly. Overall though I couldnt be happier. I like them more than the $1200 Focal Be tweeters.
                        Originally posted by rickl View Post
                        I just bought a 2014 F150 with the basic radio and would like to change out the front speakers for something with more clarity. I'm concerned that if I replace the door speakers I would need to eliminate the pillar tweeters which I'm guessing are responsible for the high "sound stage" that I like. I'm not crazy about the thought of nice door speakers with no pillar speakers and it sounding like the sound is coming from the floor. Hopefully that makes sense. After a few years in Field Artillery and body shops I think my hearing is kinda shot anyway. Any thoughts on what you might recommend?
                        You would need a component system and if the new Ford radios are anything like the older ones than they have a crossovered signal going to each driver and the door woofers are a suedo-summoned output. I always replace Ford stereos as they SUCK.
                        That being said you should look for something very effecient and with small tweeters to replace your stockers. Infinity Kappa components would probably work best as the tweeters can withstand a fairly low crossover point.
                        First thing you need to do is find out if the door speakers recieve a full range signal. If so just use their output to feed the new components. If not than you will have to find out what the tweeters high pass is and set up the system accordingly.
                        I will tell you in the newer F150s that the tweeter is angled down in the pillars and most people just reform them to house new tweeters that are properly aimed. Most good aftermarket tweeters do not want to be off axis more than 30* so pointing down will sound bad.
                        Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


                        • Thanks! I would like to just replace the speakers and maybe add a small amp. I'm worried that if I put component speakers up front that the tweeters in the pillar are too far away from the door speakers and will have too much separation.


                          • As long as the tweeters can play to 3000hz you should be fine.

                            More changes.

                            Doubled the subwoofers power to a 1000/1.
                            Changed out the Hertz ML1600 mids for the new SI TM65s. Very potent mids. They have a solid kick all the way to 50hz. Really dig them.

                            Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


                            • Truck has a few more upgrades in route like a DEX-P99 and a few other goodies. Figured it was time to get serious with the Marks stereo so I made my friend yank all the crappy MN Quart amps and Infinity speakers and make it a bit nicer.
                              Boston SPG-555 subs
                              Focal K2 Power 3-way components
                              JL Audio slash series amps.

                              Have some work left on the box. It will be on isolation feet to decouple it from the car. Also we have 240 square feet of CLD to lay down..... good fun. LOL

                              Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


                              • Well I am in shock and have a bit of disbelief. The P99 sounds so much better than the 80PRS I am stunned. Running both with the same crossover points and with the EQ flat and auto EQ off the P99 is head and shoulders better. After using its auto EQ it does a much better job of tuning the system in. I am only using a handful of halb DB cut/gains in a few areas I like more impact with.

                                Its time to get serious and I need someone with an ear and equipment to help tune it in. Looking at the old EQ curves saved in it I see massive cut/gain adjustments separate for left and right so I know I have tons of room for improvement.

                                One thing I didnt like was the auto EQ changing the crossovers. It sent my tweeters to 1.15 Khz and my mids at 50hz. I adjusted that before I tweeked the EQ but really am just cracking into this thing. Took forever to get it in the dash, so much more wire and then with the BT module cable.... was able to find just the right spot for every wire to hide in. LOL

                                Chassis is so pretty its a shame I have to hide it.

                                Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

