It is quite amazing that my wife and I are approaching our 19th anniversary. Frankly what woman in her right mind would tolerate me for more than a few months, let along years. On top of that, she has been a domestic goddess for the last seven years that I have been working from home. She has basically been my personal assistant. Of course, for the last two years she has been a stay at home Mom and has done a fantastic job raising our son. Heck this kid even eats all his veggies. He was scarfing down asparagus yesterday like it was popcorn. No way he got that from me..
So I figured it was time to give her a little something, you know, for the effort. And I mean something better than that total consciousness before you die BS..
So Lord, I went and bought her, a Mercedes Benz.
So I figured it was time to give her a little something, you know, for the effort. And I mean something better than that total consciousness before you die BS..
So Lord, I went and bought her, a Mercedes Benz.
