So I bought a 63 unibody today and went to meet the guy in San Antonio to pick it up. I couldn't get my hands on a truck and trailer so my dumbass decides to try and drive it home. Well it starts to overheat and say screw it I'll just have it towed home.

Aaaaaand we get about 5 miles down the road and the front tire blows...

So they'll only tow it to Waco for my free tow and said the exta 90 miles to scurry will cost me 400. Any other options to get it to my house for less than my right arm?

Aaaaaand we get about 5 miles down the road and the front tire blows...

So they'll only tow it to Waco for my free tow and said the exta 90 miles to scurry will cost me 400. Any other options to get it to my house for less than my right arm?