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Dallas Judge exonerated for choking girlfriend over balcony

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  • Dallas Judge exonerated for choking girlfriend over balcony

    Sort of long, but interesting story. Video is in the link. The dude is pretty obviously the victim of a drugged up crazy bitch, but it didn't stop the DPD from arresting him and skipping several steps that could have made things much more clear that night. In the middle of the video you get to see the psycho throw herself from his moving car as he records with his cell phone, then as she stands back up say "Why did you throw me from a moving car?" all fucking slurry and drunk. Pretty comedic. Bitches be crazy.

    There are two sides to every story, and on Thursday, District Judge Carlos Cortez's version of what happened at his Uptown condo on the night of December 28 won out, when a Dallas County grand jury declined to indict him on charges that he choked his girlfriend and held her over his 20th-floor balcony.

    Cortez, understandably relieved, held a news conference to proclaim his innocence and express relief "that this hasn't affected my abilities to perform my duties as a judge."

    There's a big difference, though, between escaping prosecution and being vindicated, and, since grand jury deliberations are secret, there's really no way to know which is the case here.

    Maybe jurors decided his girlfriend, 26-year-old Maggie Strother, made the whole thing up. Alternately, they could have believed Strother but decided that there wasn't enough evidence to support criminal charges.

    From a legal standpoint, it doesn't really matter; a no-bill is a no-bill. Politically, it matters quite a lot, and Cortez must tread a delicate line, convincing voters in the March 4 Democratic primary that he's innocent without coming across as a douche glorying in his accuser's defeat.

    He seemed to strike the right balance during a lengthy interview on Fox 4 last night. He maintains his innocence but doesn't gloat and says that the whole thing has been a sobering experience that he's learned a lot from.

    Cortez and his attorneys do, however, take the occasion to show a couple of videos that, while not definitive proof of his innocence, at least cast serious doubt on Strother's credibility. The interview is worth watching.

    In the first, surveillance footage taken on the night of the alleged attack shows Cortez apparently escorting Strother out of Le Tour Condominiums. There's no sound, but Cortez says he is asking her to leave because she'd been drinking and taking prescription drugs and had tried to throw herself from his balcony.

    Cortez appears fairly calm in the video, and Strother has no marks on her neck despite the fact that, according to Cortez' attorneys, the scene took place an hour after he supposedly choked her.

    Another video Cortez shot with his cell phone in November as he and Strother drove home from the Rihanna concert, which he says they had to leave early because she had passed out. In the clip, she appears to be extremely intoxicated and is sort of attacking Cortez as he drives. She opens her door while the car is still moving and throws herself onto the pavement, then asks why Cortez pushed her.

    Again, not enough to definitively prove Cortez' version of events, and not enough to take Cortez' arrest off the table as a campaign issue. Strother's attorney issued a statement Thursday saying his client stands by her story.

    There are two sides to every story, and on Thursday, District Judge Carlos Cortez's version of what happened at his Uptown condo on the night of December 28 won out, when a Dallas County grand jury declined to indict him on charges that he choked his girlfriend and held her...

  • #2
    Anyone got a link to the woman's facebook?


    • #3
      Come on now. Sometimes, you just have to choke a bitch.


      • #4
        Zimmerman on deck to swoop on that crazy ho.


        • #5
          Bitches be crazy, yo.
          "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


          • #6
            He has many more allegations against him than just this one. Lots of drugs/prostitute linkings that he has been dumping campaign money into to keep covered up. At least that's the story I get from people who are in the legal business


            • #7
              He sounds like all politicians to me...
              Originally posted by Silverback
              Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


              • #8
                Saw that on the news last night. She's definitely a certified lunatic, but he came off pretty shady on his own. Seems like he's made several mistakes with money and hoes and hasn't learned anything from them other than to whip out the camera phone for documentation and if a bitch is crazy enough to warrant that and you keep her around, that's your own damn fault. No pussy is worth all that horseshit.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tyrone Biggums View Post
                  No pussy is worth all that horseshit.
                  Yup, why most men can't seem to grasp this idea is beyond me. Pussy is plentiful, no need to get the worst of the bunch.
                  Originally posted by Silverback
                  Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                  • #10
                    I'll vote for him.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
                      Yup, why most men can't seem to grasp this idea is beyond me. Pussy is plentiful, no need to get the worst of the bunch.
                      That dude likes to party.
                      "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder View Post
                        That dude likes to party.

                        No doubt. There is no way you're hanging around that type of person and not partaking on your own.


                        • #13
                          For the record, I would have thrown myself out of the car before the Rihanna concert so I wouldn't have to listen to that garbage.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by talisman View Post
                            No doubt. There is no way you're hanging around that type of person and not partaking on your own.
                            Ill agree to a certain extent. I briefly dated a chick that was into acid, coke, x, etc. It was always an interesting time to hang out with her, although not always fun. I got my kicks watching the stupid shit she and her friends did while fucked up, and never did partake in an of it. They called my their party DD. So it is possible that he doesnt partake, but not likely.
                            "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder View Post
                              Ill agree to a certain extent. I briefly dated a chick that was into acid, coke, x, etc. It was always an interesting time to hang out with her, although not always fun. I got my kicks watching the stupid shit she and her friends did while fucked up, and never did partake in an of it. They called my their party DD. So it is possible that he doesnt partake, but not likely.
                              I was just about to post that, I know plenty of people that hang out and don't partake in the party favors. To some people their job and reputation is at stake, but a guy that is a judge/cop needs to find a different type of party.
                              Originally posted by Silverback
                              Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.

