A little back story will hopefully make this make a little more sense. Me and another co worker have been in San Francisco all week doing an aircraft repair. I can usually get the flights scheduled to where I am leaving not too long after I get through with the job so I can get my ass home asap. Well this particular time whether it was because the flights are close to the holidays or because it was scheduled last minute (which is SOP for my job) I was finished with the job on Wednesday and my flight out was not until after 7pm Thursday. So me and my co worker after being kicked out of the hotel at noon were just killing time driving around. We had gone and seen the bay the day before after we got off work and walked down on the piers and got all the good tourist type photos of alcatraz and the golden gate bridge blah blah blah. So we were literally just driving around the area and I spotted this heavily manicured lawn with a nice looking building on it. It resembled a house but I knew that it wasn't. I didn't think much of it and another block later I see another and at that point I could see out behind it. What I saw sparked my interest immediately and I had my co worker make a u turn and take me back. What I had seen was a very ornate and old looking cemetery. What I didn't know was how odd and foreign to me this would turn out to be. If you want to call me a weirdo then so be it but I enjoy walking through cemeteries, looking at grave stones, reading them, and just taking it all in. So this place had me antsy and ready to do some looking around. After we parked and started walking up I noticed that this was not an ordinary cemetery. It seemed to be full of only Jewish people and OLD. Most of the place had birth dates on the head stones that were in the 1800's. You can see in the pictures why I assumed this. Also it was apparent that there is some MAJOR money tied up in this place. I am sure the lots are pricy but some of the stones / mausoleums were incredible. These families dropped some coin to say the least. So me and my co worker made all the rounds and when we were about to leave we were approached by a grounds keeper on a motorized cart. He was very polite and asked if we had found everything we were looking for. I explained that we were from out of town, had seen the place from the road, and were just looking around. I was very respectful as this is the way he engaged us and I wanted to make it clear that if he thought we were up to no good that was not the case. I didn't get the vibe that he thought that but I just wanted to be sure that he knew anyways. So after our brief conversation he then said "well I guess you do not know about our most famous guest here" I had a feeling that there was someone famous here just because of the sheer amount of money that was here but I had no clue. I told him no and he then proceeds to show us where Wyatt Earp is buried. Yes, you read that correctly. He also shows us where Levi Strauss is buried (the blue jeans guy) if you cant figure that out. It was pretty cool to say the least and the last place I would figure Wyatt Earp was buried. I dont know much about him besides that Kevin Costner movie. Anyways here are the pics and look for commentary on some of the pics as well.
