//// Updates /////
March 2, 2014 - More pictures added in post 118 - http://www.dfwmustangs.net/forums/sh...&postcount=118
March 19, 2014 - More pictures added in post 140 & 141 - http://www.dfwmustangs.net/forums/sh...&postcount=140
April 5, 2014 - More pictures added in posts 153, 154, & 155 - http://www.dfwmustangs.net/forums/sh...&postcount=153
July 31, 2014 - More pictures added in posts 162, 163, & 164 - http://www.dfwmustangs.net/forums/sh...64#post1343964
//// Original Post Starts Here /////
Looks like I will be going back down to Antarctica. I did a summer season down there in 2007/2008, but I have always wanted to do a winter. I just received the email stating that I have passed all medical, dental, and psych exams and I am now cleared to head down there. I just need to hash out exact travel days, but in general it should go like this:
The winter season is from February to August. I will be traveling home from Afghanistan (red path on map below) in January. Then in February I will fly from Dallas to Christchurch, New Zealand (CHC). I will stay in CHC for a couple of days to receive some in-processing training along with some Extreme Cold Weather (ECW) gear that I will need down on the ice. Once everything is complete in CHC, I will fly down to McMurdo Station, Antarctica (green path on map). Total distance traveled from Afghanistan looks to be about 21,375 miles. Sometime around late February the last flight will depart Antarctica and we are on our own until the first flight returns in August. Should be fun! :-)
The winter crew is a skeleton crew of about 100 people that just keeps the station running and uses the opportunity to do some long-term maintenance projects. I will be going down as a heavy equipment mechanic – same job I did in 2007 – so we will be doing frame-up rebuilds and such.
I plan to keep this thread updated with pictures during my travels as well as my stay down there. I don’t know how interesting the pictures will be once I get down there, because it is going to be 4 months of complete darkness. But I figured some people will find it interesting.

Here are a couple of my pictures from 2007:

March 2, 2014 - More pictures added in post 118 - http://www.dfwmustangs.net/forums/sh...&postcount=118
March 19, 2014 - More pictures added in post 140 & 141 - http://www.dfwmustangs.net/forums/sh...&postcount=140
April 5, 2014 - More pictures added in posts 153, 154, & 155 - http://www.dfwmustangs.net/forums/sh...&postcount=153
July 31, 2014 - More pictures added in posts 162, 163, & 164 - http://www.dfwmustangs.net/forums/sh...64#post1343964
//// Original Post Starts Here /////
Looks like I will be going back down to Antarctica. I did a summer season down there in 2007/2008, but I have always wanted to do a winter. I just received the email stating that I have passed all medical, dental, and psych exams and I am now cleared to head down there. I just need to hash out exact travel days, but in general it should go like this:
The winter season is from February to August. I will be traveling home from Afghanistan (red path on map below) in January. Then in February I will fly from Dallas to Christchurch, New Zealand (CHC). I will stay in CHC for a couple of days to receive some in-processing training along with some Extreme Cold Weather (ECW) gear that I will need down on the ice. Once everything is complete in CHC, I will fly down to McMurdo Station, Antarctica (green path on map). Total distance traveled from Afghanistan looks to be about 21,375 miles. Sometime around late February the last flight will depart Antarctica and we are on our own until the first flight returns in August. Should be fun! :-)
The winter crew is a skeleton crew of about 100 people that just keeps the station running and uses the opportunity to do some long-term maintenance projects. I will be going down as a heavy equipment mechanic – same job I did in 2007 – so we will be doing frame-up rebuilds and such.
I plan to keep this thread updated with pictures during my travels as well as my stay down there. I don’t know how interesting the pictures will be once I get down there, because it is going to be 4 months of complete darkness. But I figured some people will find it interesting.

Here are a couple of my pictures from 2007:
