Took the day off to spend some quality time with my family. A good friend took us out to a friends place where we could shoot. To be honest it's the second strangest place I've ever shot at. BUT it was safe, controlled, and fun as hell.
brought out some toys,
My new Remington 870 20 gauge my wife just got me for my birthday,
Mossberg 500A 12 gauge,
Ruger P95 9mm
Sig Sauer AR-22
a pair of SCCY 9mm's
and my little girls pink cricket.

we had a blast, I mean as far as a few hours of shooting goes this was great. We ran through a couple hundred rounds of .22, a little less than a hundred rounds of 9mm, and a ton of 20 and 12 gauge shells.
Best part though was my little girl shooting.
she was having trouble with the cricket, taking a shot reloading, and taking another one left her not being able to correct. So I gave her the AR-22, with a 30 round mag. (a 30 round .22 always makes me laugh.) Anyway I worked with her on getting comfortable, and talked her through it until we finally got it right for her. The gun was still a little to heavy for her so I had to hold the front for her... Unfortunately that one sweet spot left me right in the way of the hot brass.(things you do for your kids!lol)
Anyway, the first few shots missed but being able to correct between trigger pulls made her able to dial it in. Then it clicked out of the 30 rounds fired 20 or so were dead ringers!
After that I put her back on the cricket and she shot it like a pro. All she talked about the rest of the day was shooting, I think she's hooked! lol
Like I said best birthday ever!
me and the Remington,

my buddy with my Mossberg 12.

my wife one handing it at 25 yards with my buddy's ruger .22 target gun.

working with the kid and her cricket,

then the AR

and finally back on her gun.
brought out some toys,
My new Remington 870 20 gauge my wife just got me for my birthday,
Mossberg 500A 12 gauge,
Ruger P95 9mm
Sig Sauer AR-22
a pair of SCCY 9mm's
and my little girls pink cricket.

we had a blast, I mean as far as a few hours of shooting goes this was great. We ran through a couple hundred rounds of .22, a little less than a hundred rounds of 9mm, and a ton of 20 and 12 gauge shells.
Best part though was my little girl shooting.
she was having trouble with the cricket, taking a shot reloading, and taking another one left her not being able to correct. So I gave her the AR-22, with a 30 round mag. (a 30 round .22 always makes me laugh.) Anyway I worked with her on getting comfortable, and talked her through it until we finally got it right for her. The gun was still a little to heavy for her so I had to hold the front for her... Unfortunately that one sweet spot left me right in the way of the hot brass.(things you do for your kids!lol)
Anyway, the first few shots missed but being able to correct between trigger pulls made her able to dial it in. Then it clicked out of the 30 rounds fired 20 or so were dead ringers!
After that I put her back on the cricket and she shot it like a pro. All she talked about the rest of the day was shooting, I think she's hooked! lol
Like I said best birthday ever!
me and the Remington,

my buddy with my Mossberg 12.

my wife one handing it at 25 yards with my buddy's ruger .22 target gun.

working with the kid and her cricket,

then the AR

and finally back on her gun.
