A prospective customer at a ride-and-drive event in Texas today put a brand new 2014 Chevy Impala into a row of brand new 2014 Corvettes, significantly damaging at least three of the vehicles. Oops.
No more details on this photo other than what's obvious in the picture, which is that the back of that new Impala found the front of those poor Corvettes. Perhaps the driver, who we're assured was not a journalist, mistook the brake pedal for the gas?

A prospective customer at a ride-and-drive event in Texas today put a brand new 2014 Chevy Impala into a row of brand new 2014 Corvettes, significantly damaging at least three of the vehicles. Oops.
No more details on this photo other than what's obvious in the picture, which is that the back of that new Impala found the front of those poor Corvettes. Perhaps the driver, who we're assured was not a journalist, mistook the brake pedal for the gas?
