I guess I just have bad luck over there. I was taking a drink of a Red Bull while I passed a motorcycle cop and he flipped around and pulled me over. He came up to the window of my truck and was rubber necking the inside of my truck. He spotted the Red Bull and started acting weird. I gave him my stuff and asked him why I was being pulled over. He kind of stumbled over some words and landed on speeding. Basically he thought I was drinking a beer and when he realized it was a Red Bull he had to think of something else to write me for. Yeah I thought the same thing about VA and Celina. It seems you're ok in VA as long as you're not on 75 out by Matt Cavender's place. I've gotten one ticket in VA but I totally deserved it. Lol
Yeah they are like a bee swarm over there. I'm on 3356 and use the back roads the best I can. I hear that's the joy of the cowboy club and living on the west side of 75....never have to go through the city.
Originally posted by MR EDD
U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.
Really! This tells me that you do not know many police officers. Not one guy on my shift enjoys writing tickets, however it is part of my job. Can you go to work and sit on your ass everyday or just drive around burning gas? I write fix it tickets 99 percent of the time because I realize everyone fucks up. We caught a bank robber three weeks ago and we caught the area burglar this week after he assaulted a homeowner. My old ass chased him into a creek and woods for a ways. I even went down pretty hard in the creek once. I was cut up, soaking wet, and muddy as hell. But yeah your right, all cops are just revenue generators.
Jason please PM me with more info about this arrest...I have more of an interest in it than most people on this board and you know why.
To the cops that don't like writing tickets but still do because "it's part of the job" you can simply not write tickets fix it or otherwise. One would hope you're capable of looking at a law and determining whether it's bullshit and just refuse to enforce it. There are still laws on the books regarding having a person walk in front of your car warning people so's not to spook the horses, yet that one isn't enforced. Why not? It's part of the job.