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Harley Riders

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Probie View Post
    If Yale is reading this thread, his head is currently exploding due to the lack of basic grammar.
    Hell he is probably laying on the floor passed out. A little sensory overload may have gotten him.
    Whos your Daddy?


    • #62
      Originally posted by wickedblkgt View Post
      I own a Harley, I'm I a fag? If so, was I a fag when I owned my RC51, or my 929? I also own some Harley gear, that makes me a fag right? When your wallet gets more mature come talk to me. Some of the nicest people I have ever met were Harley owners. As far as mechanics go, how many people do you know turn wrenches on there own rides? I do all the work on all my toys, does that make me a fag?
      -If you sit at a red light rapping it out for no reason...yes, you're a fag.
      -If I'm sitting at an outside beer garden and you blappppppp the crowd with your faggoty assed straight pipes -that ironically caused you to LOSE HP and TQ-just to bring attention to yourself...yes, you're a fag.
      -If I'm minding my own business, cruising in my non-American made bike and you get your panties in a wad and blow by just to pipeside me...yes, you're a fag.
      -If I see you rolling down the road with ape hangers so high that there is NO way you can actually control that bike in an emergency...yes, you are a fag.
      -If I'm sitting at (insert any place with big titted chicks serving booze) with a bunch of friends and you walk in with your HD do-rag, HD leather vest, HD chaps and HD fake Engineer's Boots....I could go on and on.

      For the record....there was some jackass near my neighborhood that his sport bike was so loud that at 5:45 to 6:00 AM I could hear him fire it up (from several blocks away) and then he would purposely go no higher than 2nd gear just to make even louder. He's a fag also.


      • #63
        I love the fact that the chopper craze is dead as a door nail. I can finally maybe afford to build a couple nice ones!

        You find "faggots" in all walks of life. You see the racing stickers on ragged out pieces of 4 cylinder shit, crotch rockets stunting on public roads, mustang/camaro owners that constantly want to race you in their v-6, etc etc etc.

        I guess that is one of the reason i have never cared to ride in a big group. Too many guys that have had a bike less than a year and are dumb and dangerous on them. It is nice to see the biker trend dying so the people that have been into it their entire lives are able to afford some really nice rides.

        May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
        Semper Fi


        • #64
          AND, before anyone calls me a hater, I used to own a Kawasaki Vulcan 750. Slow, yes. Comfortable, indeed.
          I put somewhere around 80K miles on that bike. Rode it all over central Texas when I was stationed at Bergsrtom AFB. Rode it from Austin to DFW area and back several times. Rode it from Austin to Mobile area and back 3 times. Moved to Oregon and rode it all over Oregon and Washington states and dipped into northern California. Summer of 1992 I packed a duffle bag, strapped it to the bitch seat and moved to Anchorage, AK. (This was before the AlCan was paved the whole way)
          When I moved back to Austin it developed some serious engine issues so I scrapped it and bought a car. I have not had a bike since 1995.

          Everywhere I rode, in 8 different states and Canada, it was the same story....other riders would wave back EXCEPT for the faggoty Harley riders. NOT the true bikers, but the yuppies who think they are badass.
          I also got pipesided so many times that I can not count them. My answer would be to catch up with them and then out run their POS with my slow assed import.


          • #65
            Originally posted by wickedblkgt View Post
            I own a Harley, I'm I a fag? If so, was I a fag when I owned my RC51, or my 929? I also own some Harley gear, that makes me a fag right? When your wallet gets more mature come talk to me. Some of the nicest people I have ever met were Harley owners. As far as mechanics go, how many people do you know turn wrenches on there own rides? I do all the work on all my toys, does that make me a fag?
            im not gonna answer all that, but i can tell you that you are sensitive!

            god bless.
            It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


            • #66
              as I get older and more mature, I've learned not to lump everybody into one mold and try to just see people as people... there are good and bad in every camp

              but I still think most harley owners are poser douche bags


              • #67
                Originally posted by Rreemo View Post
                You should be good to go with just a ball brush trim on the ole beard....

                "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                • #68
                  Anyone sitting at a light constantly revving their engine over... and over... and over... again, or in a parking space, over... and over... and over.... again is a fucking faggot. That goes for any make of vehicles that has any amount of wheels. The EXTREMELY large majority of vehicles I see doing this, 100 to 1, are bikes.


                  • #69
                    When I am reving my car it is usually because I'm trying to keep it from dying.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by cool cat View Post
                      When I am reving my car it is usually because I'm trying to keep it from dying.
                      And back in the day, that's why Harley riders did it... because they were raggedy pieces of shit. And generations of posers have been doing it ever since


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by cooter View Post
                        and back in the day, that's why harley riders did it... Because they were raggedy pieces of shit. And generations of posers have been doing it ever since
                        absofuckinglutly !
                        Big Rooster Racing


                        • #72
                          I ran into one biker who, when stopped would strike up a conversation and punctuate every one of his sentences with a rev. Funniest and dumbest thing I've witnessed first hand from a Harley rider. Always a hoot when a Harley rider shakes their head at me for passing them going faster while they are wearing their lovely cut off jean jackets and barley a brain bucket on their skull.


                          • #73
                            If I were to buy a bike, I would most likely buy a cruiser. Only because I really have no interest in sport bikes. That's not to say that I have a generalized opinion or bias against guys who like sport bikes, it just means it's not my thing.

                            The point of the satire in that South Park episode was not to say that all Harley owners are douchebags. Just like every interest / hobby, there are douchbag posers and there are good people that just enjoy that interest.

                            It all comes down to one simple truth: if you're not representative of the stereotype being made fun of, then you shouldn't be offended by those that make fun of it. And generally speaking, those that are the worst offenders, and truly representative of the stereotype, are also usually oblivious to the criticism anyhow.


                            • #74
                              I do have apes, I am a fag! Lol

