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50 Squids, 1 Black Rover...

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  • #91
    I don't think the driver intentionally hit the first biker, he could have been distracted by all the other bikes around him. His actions were 100% justified, and I would have done the same to protect my family. But no fucking way I would have exited the highway, dumb move on his part. I would have kept rolling, on the phone with 911 until the cops caught up.


    • #92
      Whoooo ruff rydas fo lyfe!!! I bet that dude that got run over realized trying to stop a 6k lb rover with a 400lb bike was a bad idea lol


      • #93
        A buncha assholes met a much bigger asshole that day. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

        Speaking from my own experiences - a few of these guys just want to ride wheelies and have a blast. Most others are just tagalongs who want to watch and experience it. Videos make it seem like everyone is riding wheelies, because hey, you film the action! In reality Most people are in a mass following behind. Look on YT and you can find their terribly boring videos too.

        Best advice I could give you if you get surrounded by something like this
        - Don't start any shit, won't be any shit -.

        Use your vehicle as a weapon, yeah, you're going to have a bad time.

        Allegedly the range rover driver was cutting these guys off and brake checking them before this video section started catching the action. Having been on these sorts of rides I'm inclined to believe that. Maybe the guy on the R6 started staring the guy down and slowing for no reason. I doubt that, but it's plausible. Maybe he's more of an Escalade guy and thinks Rovers are shit.

        It seems there is always always someone who feels the need to swat at the hornet's nest. Some bad-ass behind the wheel of his truck/suv that needs to test a whole group of people.

        You can witness some crazy shit and go home to post about it on facebook like everyone else that got passed up. OR you try to get yourself killed when you attack a huge mass of people. Either or, whatevs

        99.9% of motorists are passed and given nothing more than a story to tell. There is that .1% that gets involved in some sort of altercation and I've never witnessed anyone first hand that didn't bring it upon themselves.

        I would like to interview one of these types after that fact. "You decided to attack 25, 50, 100, 250, 2000 people with your car. What were you thinking? You know you can't outrun them, did you think all these bikes were going to run out of gas before you? Man, this taurus must get amazing mileage, imma hafta get me one of these!"

        With a group that large in NYC there is bound to be at least one or two complete fucking lunatics willing to take it as far as possible. Anyone else kinda surprised no one shot the guy? Young males, NYC, thrill seekers, just witnessed friends get run over by a truck, no crazy pistol-packing hot head? Coulda been worse...
        US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


        • #94
          Originally posted by Machx2 View Post
          Truth be told, I have been working in dfw for only 8 months now. I have been brake checked, in my patrol car, by 2 bikes. Then they take off at speeds of 100+. None have license plates and are in it for the "thrill". People are just stupid, period. Not to mention, the countless times bikers just fly past me easily doing 120+ dodging cars like it is a competition.
          When I first started riding with crazy people I was told, if you're going to speed, go more than double the limit, cops won't even try. That group isn't a group anymore. Some of us grew up. Others died. Funny how that works. Words were true none the less.

          Originally posted by Machx2 View Post
          Too dangerous to chase a bike. Puts too many people at risk and is pointless since they are too quick, and they know this.
          Shit, is this new? I used to run and get pursued all the time as a youngster. *allegedly*

          I know of at least two crashes through the years, one a single vehicle crash, another where a cop crashed into someone else, MILES after the riders being "chased" were on different stretches of road entirely. Hmmm, perhaps things like this would be what shaped modern policy?
          US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


          • #95
            Originally posted by Magnus View Post
            we need dsrtruckballsdeepandeasy and whoever that ther guy was, Bob or something, to stand out for this injustice to mob mentality pack riders!
            two pages until i get a honorable mention!? dissapointed. go play a computer game you fucking dweeb! haha

            i have no comment on this video.

            although, i most certainly agree with not fucking with a car while on a bike, and even moreso sticking around after the fact.

            fuck it, ill comment on it lol. from what i can tell, as the video started to the intial hit, it appeared that the driver was minding his business.

            i think hell froze over!


            • #96
              Originally posted by Hobie View Post
              A buncha assholes met a much bigger asshole that day. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

              Speaking from my own experiences - a few of these guys just want to ride wheelies and have a blast. Most others are just tagalongs who want to watch and experience it. Videos make it seem like everyone is riding wheelies, because hey, you film the action! In reality Most people are in a mass following behind. Look on YT and you can find their terribly boring videos too.

              Best advice I could give you if you get surrounded by something like this
              - Don't start any shit, won't be any shit -.

              Use your vehicle as a weapon, yeah, you're going to have a bad time.

              Allegedly the range rover driver was cutting these guys off and brake checking them before this video section started catching the action. Having been on these sorts of rides I'm inclined to believe that. Maybe the guy on the R6 started staring the guy down and slowing for no reason. I doubt that, but it's plausible. Maybe he's more of an Escalade guy and thinks Rovers are shit.

              It seems there is always always someone who feels the need to swat at the hornet's nest. Some bad-ass behind the wheel of his truck/suv that needs to test a whole group of people.

              You can witness some crazy shit and go home to post about it on facebook like everyone else that got passed up. OR you try to get yourself killed when you attack a huge mass of people. Either or, whatevs

              99.9% of motorists are passed and given nothing more than a story to tell. There is that .1% that gets involved in some sort of altercation and I've never witnessed anyone first hand that didn't bring it upon themselves.

              I would like to interview one of these types after that fact. "You decided to attack 25, 50, 100, 250, 2000 people with your car. What were you thinking? You know you can't outrun them, did you think all these bikes were going to run out of gas before you? Man, this taurus must get amazing mileage, imma hafta get me one of these!"

              With a group that large in NYC there is bound to be at least one or two complete fucking lunatics willing to take it as far as possible. Anyone else kinda surprised no one shot the guy? Young males, NYC, thrill seekers, just witnessed friends get run over by a truck, no crazy pistol-packing hot head? Coulda been worse...
              Watch these videos and tell me that these weren't a bunch stupid punks on bikes. I can't believe someone didn’t run them over sooner. Whenever I see riders passing in-between cars like they were I want to open my car door and have them run into it. If the driver of the RR was doing something wrong before the incident it would have been posted by the rider.

              From cars to motorcycles, Jalopnik is your go-to site covering everything with an engine—including automotive news, buying guides, and expert commentary from our staff.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Hobie View Post

                Allegedly the range rover driver was cutting these guys off and brake checking them before this video section started catching the action. Having been on these sorts of rides I'm inclined to believe that. Maybe the guy on the R6 started staring the guy down and slowing for no reason. I doubt that, but it's plausible.
                i'm also inclined to believe the driver did something before the video that we saw, started rolling. which would make him an even bigger idiot with his family in the car.

                most of us dont go out with the intention to provoke 3-4k lb hunks of metal, that could be a deadly mistake. in my experience, it's always been some idiot behind the wheel getting frustrated or something and initiating a situation.

                i'm pretty sure he got his ass beat, according to the end of the video. hope his actions were worth it to him.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Hobie View Post
                  A buncha assholes met a much bigger asshole that day. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

                  Speaking from my own experiences - a few of these guys just want to ride wheelies and have a blast. Most others are just tagalongs who want to watch and experience it. Videos make it seem like everyone is riding wheelies, because hey, you film the action! In reality Most people are in a mass following behind. Look on YT and you can find their terribly boring videos too.

                  Best advice I could give you if you get surrounded by something like this
                  - Don't start any shit, won't be any shit -.

                  Use your vehicle as a weapon, yeah, you're going to have a bad time.

                  Allegedly the range rover driver was cutting these guys off and brake checking them before this video section started catching the action. Having been on these sorts of rides I'm inclined to believe that. Maybe the guy on the R6 started staring the guy down and slowing for no reason. I doubt that, but it's plausible. Maybe he's more of an Escalade guy and thinks Rovers are shit.

                  It seems there is always always someone who feels the need to swat at the hornet's nest. Some bad-ass behind the wheel of his truck/suv that needs to test a whole group of people.

                  You can witness some crazy shit and go home to post about it on facebook like everyone else that got passed up. OR you try to get yourself killed when you attack a huge mass of people. Either or, whatevs

                  99.9% of motorists are passed and given nothing more than a story to tell. There is that .1% that gets involved in some sort of altercation and I've never witnessed anyone first hand that didn't bring it upon themselves.

                  I would like to interview one of these types after that fact. "You decided to attack 25, 50, 100, 250, 2000 people with your car. What were you thinking? You know you can't outrun them, did you think all these bikes were going to run out of gas before you? Man, this taurus must get amazing mileage, imma hafta get me one of these!"

                  With a group that large in NYC there is bound to be at least one or two complete fucking lunatics willing to take it as far as possible. Anyone else kinda surprised no one shot the guy? Young males, NYC, thrill seekers, just witnessed friends get run over by a truck, no crazy pistol-packing hot head? Coulda been worse...
                  Do you even hear yourself? The road is for driving, it's not the personal playground for a bunch of immature douchebags. If you want to act like a jackass, go out to the country roads where you aren't going to bother anyone. That wont happen though because these types want an audience.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by cyclonescott View Post
                    Watch these videos and tell me that these weren't a bunch stupid punks on bikes. I can't believe someone didn’t run them over sooner. Whenever I see riders passing in-between cars like they were I want to open my car door and have them run into it. If the driver of the RR was doing something wrong before the incident it would have been posted by the rider.

                    Saw them and more on the youtubes/facebook before they were taken down. That one guy didn't get the initial stuff on video. Also claims the battery just happened to die before the guy was pulled from the Rover. I doubt that. lol Supposedly wasn't much though, lightly cutting people off and brake-checking, honking, cussing at people. Weaving erratically through the pack of bikes.

                    Just because everyone else is being an asshole does't mean it's a good idea for you to do so as well. Get into a car vs. bike altercation the bike is going to lose. Pick a fight with a mob of folks and you're going to lose.

                    If you choose to put yourself in the position to learn a painful lesson go right ahead, but don't do that with your family in your car.

                    Like I said, don't start no shit, won't be no shit.

                    The Liens called 911 to report "aggressive driving" but didn't call back after the multiple collisions and chase. Maybe the husband was too concerned with driving, maybe the wife was too scared to operate a phone, or maybe the driver knew letting the roadrage get the best of him just got him into serious trouble. Smartest thing he did that day was lawyer-up.

                    One thing is for sure, they guy that was trying to help the first downed rider the suv driver hit will never walk again.

                    None of you guys are making Asian driver jokes? Y'all are slackin'
                    US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                    • Originally posted by JC316 View Post
                      Do you even hear yourself? The road is for driving, it's not the personal playground for a bunch of immature douchebags. If you want to act like a jackass, go out to the country roads where you aren't going to bother anyone. That wont happen though because these types want an audience.
                      No, what did I say? I thought I was typing. Pretty quiet over here

                      I haven't even owned a bike in a couple years, but did ride A LOT for over a decade.

                      Anyways, my only point, those guys are out there. If they are being assholes don't escalate things by turning asshole yourself and everyone will be fine. It's up to you.
                      US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                      • Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                        That guy stopped and was trying to help the guy that got hit initially.
                        US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                        • NEW YORK (AP) — Shaky camera footage depicts the gory scene: A driver who police say was frightened when a group of motorcyclists swarmed his Range Rover plowed through them, striking a rider in a purple T-shirt and black helmet.

                          The biker, Edwin Mieses Jr., suffered broken legs and spine injuries, his wife, Dayana Mieses, said Tuesday outside a hospital.

                          "There's no hope for his back," Dayana Meises told reporters. "They crushed his spine. They broke it in two different places, so he will be forever, forever paralyzed."

                          Another man also was injured. Bikers chased after the SUV, then beat the driver, police said. A portion of the Sunday altercation, captured on a helmet-mounted camera worn by another rider, was posted online anonymously. Since then, Dayana Mieses said, the bikers have been portrayed as villains who ambushed an innocent man driving his family. But she said her husband is the victim.

                          "Everyone wants to blame the bikers for something this man did," she said.

                          Edwin Mieses, known as Jay Meezee, is an aspiring rapper from outside Boston, and the couple has two children, ages 15 and 9. Dayana Mieses told Boston station WBZ-TV that her husband got off his bike to help another rider who was struck in an initial collision with the SUV.

                          "When all the bikers stopped, my husband got out, parked his bike to walk over to try to help his friend," she said. "He walked over towards the front of the vehicle when, at this point, I don't know what happened: the man was scared, the man just peeled off and ran over my husband."

                          Mieses was part of an unauthorized motorcycle rally. The video shows a large group of bikers clustering around the Range Rover heading north on Manhattan's West Side Highway. One of the bikers then moves into the SUV's lane and rides briefly alongside it, peering in through the driver's side window. It's unclear from the video what the driver might have done to anger the motorcyclist.

                          View gallery."
                          In this frame grab from video provided by the New York Police Department, motorcyclists ride alongsi …
                          The biker then cuts in front of the Range Rover and, still staring at the driver, suddenly slows down. It isn't captured on the video, but the motorcycle and SUV bumped, police said.

                          The motorcyclists, 20 to 30 in all, then stop on the highway, blocking the SUV's path. Some dismount and approach the vehicle. Police said some of the bikers then began damaging the Range Rover.

                          The video shows the SUV suddenly accelerating, bouncing over at least one of the motorcycles and its rider as others scramble to get out of the way. The cyclists give chase, pursuing the driver for about 2.5 miles. The bikers succeed in getting the SUV to stop.

                          The chase ended when the SUV exited the highway and got stuck in street traffic. The video shows one biker using his helmet to smash the driver's window. Police said the group then pulled the man from the SUV and beat him, although that part isn't shown on the recording posted online. The police department confirmed that the video circulating online is authentic.

                          The driver of the SUV, Alexian Lien, 33, was taken to a hospital where he needed stitches for his face. His wife and 2-year-old were not injured. He has not been charged. But Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said they were still investigating the incident.

                          "Well, it depends on what the circumstances are," Kelly said. "It depends on whether or not your vehicle is being attacked, whether or not you think you're being attacked, whether or not your wife and child's in the car. You have to look at the totality of the circumstances, and that's what we're doing."

                          On Tuesday, police arrested the biker they say was involved in the initial accident. Christopher Cruz, of Passaic, N.J., was charged with reckless endangerment, reckless driving, endangering the welfare of a child and menacing. Cruz, who was uninjured, was in custody awaiting arraignment Tuesday and hadn't been assigned a lawyer.

                          A second suspect — Allen Edwards, 42, of Queens — believed to be the man seen on video striking the Range Rover windows with his fists, surrendered to police on Tuesday. He was charged with reckless endangerment, criminal mischief and menacing. It was not immediately known if he had a lawyer.

                          Police are still seeking a biker seen smashing the SUV's window with his helmet.


                          • I know it's already been said, but damn... 42? 42 years old, and still hoonin' around like that? Could you imagine Louis C. K. telling that joke?
                            "So I'm 42 now, and biker rallies are getting harder to go to."
                            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                            • Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy View Post
                              i'm also inclined to believe the driver did something before the video that we saw, started rolling. which would make him an even bigger idiot with his family in the car.
                              It could have been something as minor as cutting one of them off accidentally. You should know how stupid mob mentality can be. The fact remains it does not matter what the Range Rover did. The fact these stupid fucks tried to contest a 4000lb vehicle is moronic all on its own.


                              • Originally posted by Hobie View Post
                                That guy stopped and was trying to help the guy that got hit initially.
                                It's his hill to die on, I guess.
                                ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh

