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50 Squids, 1 Black Rover...

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  • Originally posted by talisman View Post
    Chance made an obscene gesture toward news cameras during his court appearance. Watts said his client is a married father of six who has been unemployed since a 2011 layoff from a food-service company.
    Sounds like a great father. 6 kids, no job in around 2 years, out riding around with large groups of bikers and getting into trouble.

    I'm sorry, 2 kids is hard enough to divide attention - 3-4 starts getting really borderline and 6...c'mon.

    Either way, he is a great role model for those kids.
    Originally posted by MR EDD
    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


    • Originally posted by SS Junk View Post

      I can't believe over 24k people have "liked" this page. No wonder this country is circling the drain.


      • Some of the comments posted on that page are not being received too well by the family..
        Natural law. Sons are put on this earth to trouble their fathers.


        • That's what happens when...

          a. People form uneducated opinions. Just like with GZ and TM - "I don't really know a lot about the case, but it was wrong that he shot a kid."

          b. Even if they are educated, they are so bleeding heart they'd rather have everyone get pushed around in the name of "peace" or whatever they want to call it these days.
          Originally posted by MR EDD
          U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


          • Also, it does seem more and more like he was in a bad place at the time and may not have been contributing the the violence. I still believe that saying about running with dogs gets you fleas applies.

            This boils down to his fellow bikers causing the reaction, not the SUV driver. The SUV driver's reaction is a result of their reaction after the brake check. I really have no idea how I would handle it if that were my son, but I can tell you that I'd also be strongly bashing behavior like that on a bike - on top of being pissed off at the world.
            Originally posted by MR EDD
            U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


            • If he purposely stopped in front of the SUV while others were confronting the people in the SUV... he is as guilty as the rest of them.

              Originally posted by SSMAN
              ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


              • Where were the cops? oh right there...

                Can't beat them, Join their NEW message board !!


                • I woulda done the same thing. Lol. Those bikers are asshats for pulling that shit.
                  GOPR0198 by larrychance88


                  • If you hadn't heard/read, the SUV driver allegedly was involved in a hit-and-run with a motorcyclist further back (south) on west side highway, prior to where the video footage of the (developing) incident began. In that earlier alleged incident, a motorcyclist made contact with the SUV (and perhaps laid the bike down), the driver was aware of the collision, and proceeded forward anyway, away from that accident-scene (aka fear, impatience, wife-pressure, or most likely a combo of each).

                    Having said that, it makes some sense (to me) as to why another motorcyclist (trying to assist another rider who was just party to an accident) would pull ahead of the fleeing SUV, slow to a stop, and cause the SUV driver to come to a full-stop. This way, the driver fleeing the hit-and-run could be held accountable/detained while police arrived for questioning, etc. Then after, some measure of fault, exchange of insurance, report, etc. could be processed, like any other accident-scene. The driver would proabably been arrested at that time, after police confirmed he fled the scene of an accident in which he was involved.

                    Obviously, things were escalating at about the time the video footage began.

                    My gut feeling (especially as a former NYC resident, and NYC motorist) is that all non-motorcycle traffic was delayed heavily while this large group of motorcyclists were riding north on west-side-highway (starting somewhere closer to downtown), and that delay didn't sit will with some motorists. Maybe it was that traffic-delay, and the motorist's impatience that likely ensued, that led to the initial collision between the SUV driver and motorcyclist further south.

                    It's unfortunate how all this paned out, and it completely blows my mind that, no matter the circumstances, that the SUV driver felt "the only thing to do now" is mow over people in his SUV.

                    I can totally understand the outrage some of those other motorcyclists must have felt, after the SUB driver started mowing over people and motorcycles. The actions of the motorcyclists that followed, also not excusable, but with boiling rage and adrenaline after having just seen your fellow riders assaulted, ya I get it.



                    • Originally posted by ScottJ View Post
                      If you hadn't heard/read, the SUV driver allegedly was involved in a hit-and-run with a motorcyclist further back (south) on west side highway, prior to where the video footage of the (developing) incident began. In that earlier alleged incident, a motorcyclist made contact with the SUV (and perhaps laid the bike down), the driver was aware of the collision, and proceeded forward anyway, away from that accident-scene (aka fear, impatience, wife-pressure, or most likely a combo of each).

                      Having said that, it makes some sense (to me) as to why another motorcyclist (trying to assist another rider who was just party to an accident) would pull ahead of the fleeing SUV, slow to a stop, and cause the SUV driver to come to a full-stop. This way, the driver fleeing the hit-and-run could be held accountable/detained while police arrived for questioning, etc. Then after, some measure of fault, exchange of insurance, report, etc. could be processed, like any other accident-scene. The driver would proabably been arrested at that time, after police confirmed he fled the scene of an accident in which he was involved.

                      Obviously, things were escalating at about the time the video footage began.

                      My gut feeling (especially as a former NYC resident, and NYC motorist) is that all non-motorcycle traffic was delayed heavily while this large group of motorcyclists were riding north on west-side-highway (starting somewhere closer to downtown), and that delay didn't sit will with some motorists. Maybe it was that traffic-delay, and the motorist's impatience that likely ensued, that led to the initial collision between the SUV driver and motorcyclist further south.

                      It's unfortunate how all this paned out, and it completely blows my mind that, no matter the circumstances, that the SUV driver felt "the only thing to do now" is mow over people in his SUV.

                      I can totally understand the outrage some of those other motorcyclists must have felt, after the SUB driver started mowing over people and motorcycles. The actions of the motorcyclists that followed, also not excusable, but with boiling rage and adrenaline after having just seen your fellow riders assaulted, ya I get it.

                      Actually, that was caught on video as well. A guy on a bike switched lanes a few feet in front of him and brake checked him, and he bumped the bike. The driver of the SUV stopped. It was at that point where the 100 or so bikers swarmed around him, threatening him and his family. Shortly after that, he floored it.

                      Don't believe me? Watch the video for yourself. Skip to 1:00 is to avoid the annoying guy narrating.

                      Originally posted by SSMAN
                      ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                      • Originally posted by ScottJ View Post
                        and it completely blows my mind that, no matter the circumstances
                        That's absurd. No matter the circumstances? Like death to you and your family? Are you fucking serious?
                        "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                        "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                        • Originally posted by stevo View Post
                          Actually, that was caught on video as well. A guy on a bike switched lanes a few feet in front of him and brake checked him, and he bumped the bike.
                          What you are referring to at about 1:00 in that video happened in the upper west side, I can tell because I used to live in the UWS and drove on west-side-highway daily. What I'm describing is an earlier collision that tool place further south (closer to downtown) on west-side-highway, before this video footage begins.

                          Originally posted by stevo View Post

                          The driver of the SUV stopped. It was at that point where the 100 or so bikers swarmed around him, threatening him and his family. Shortly after that, he floored it.
                          Exactly, my motive-theory is that the rider in the white t-shirt brake-checked the SUV to force the driver to stop, and be delayed/detained to address a hit-and-run that allegedly had already taken place further south, that the driver was directly involved in.

                          I'm in transit right now or I'd search for the account of this alleged earlier incident.

                          Don't believe me? Watch the video for yourself. Skip to 1:00 is to avoid the annoying guy narrating.



                          • Originally posted by ScottJ View Post
                            What you are referring to at about 1:00 in that video happened in the upper west side, I can tell because I used to live in the UWS and drove on west-side-highway daily. What I'm describing is an earlier collision that tool place further south (closer to downtown) on west-side-highway, before this video footage begins.

                            Exactly, my motive-theory is that the rider in the white t-shirt brake-checked the SUV to force the driver to stop, and be delayed/detained to address a hit-and-run that allegedly had already taken place further south, that the driver was directly involved in.

                            I'm in transit right now or I'd search for the account of this alleged earlier incident.

                            Don't believe me? Watch the video for yourself. Skip to 1:00 is to avoid the annoying guy narrating.

                            So your evidence is based on hearsay from the criminals involved in this? So what you're saying is the sea of cameras probably in this ride all failed to catch the exonerating piece of evidence? Damn, what luck.
                            "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                            "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                            • Originally posted by CJ View Post
                              That's absurd. No matter the circumstances? Like death to you and your family? Are you fucking serious?
                              Today (unmarried and w/o kids), myself not having been in that kind of situation or anything like it, I don't think I'd have it in me to run people over in my car. In the moment, who knows, maybe?! It's a totally adrenaline fueled situation, hard to say. Different people react differently in these situations.

                              I wonder if any of the bikers that swarmed around that SUV when it came to a stop (in the UWS just prior to him driving over the bikers) had weapons, and/or began threatening the driver/passengers with them? Did someone start bashing his windows in at that time, and compromise the security of his SUV cabin then? I guess, other than being surrounded, was that all or was the driver/passengers threatened after the cabin was breached (if it was breached)?

                              Also, when bikers (more-so stunters) slow highway traffic down to a stop, its for stunting, not to have a heart-to-heart w/ a particular driver on the highway. It seems really obvious the guy in the white t-shirt was intentionally trying to stop the SUV driver to address him, which makes sense to me if there was a prior hit-and-run that needed addressing/police attention. That's my (limited) speculation anyway, maybe right or wrong!




                              • Originally posted by ScottJ View Post
                                Today (unmarried and w/o kids), myself not having been in that kind of situation or anything like it, I don't think I'd have it in me to run people over in my car. In the moment, who knows, maybe?! It's a totally adrenaline fueled situation, hard to say. Different people react differently in these situations.

                                I wonder if any of the bikers that swarmed around that SUV when it came to a stop (in the UWS just prior to him driving over the bikers) had weapons, and/or began threatening the driver/passengers with them? Did someone start bashing his windows in at that time, and compromise the security of his SUV cabin then? I guess, other than being surrounded, was that all or was the driver/passengers threatened after the cabin was breached (if it was breached)?

                                Also, when bikers (more-so stunters) slow highway traffic down to a stop, its for stunting, not to have a heart-to-heart w/ a particular driver on the highway. It seems really obvious the guy in the white t-shirt was intentionally trying to stop the SUV driver to address him, which makes sense to me if there was a prior hit-and-run that needed addressing/police attention. That's my (limited) speculation anyway, maybe right or wrong!


                                It sounds like you're approaching it level headed. But keep in mind, if you did something that was completely illegal and absolutely uncalled for, you're going to formulate an excuse that makes you out to be innocent. And the easiest excuse you could make is what he's saying happened. So, it doesn't discredit what they are claiming, but all the evidence strengthens the contrary. And regardless, you don't try to stop someone by force in the middle of a freeway because you feel like your or someone else has been wronged.

                                It seems far more probable what happened here is they were being fucking idiots and they didn't expect themselves to be caught. Now it's panic/fabrication time. I simply do not believe not a single camera or credible witness has come forward with evidence that what they say actually happened.
                                "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                                "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler

