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Purse snatching gone wrong

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  • Purse snatching gone wrong

    Glad they caught this bitch. lol at her trying to bark commands.

    "Dude, she's rich, she's eating at a restaurant." Disgusting trash.

    McGruff the Crime Dog teaches kids to 'take a bite out of crime' but what happens when the criminal takes a bite out of you?

    That's what lawyer Jonathan Damon encountered when he caught 24-year-old Mikayla Hull trying to make off with a 75-year-old's purse Tuesday.

    The victim, Evelyn Searl, was eating at a restaurant in Grand Rapids, Michigan with her daughter when Hull rode up on her bike and swiped the bag.

    Take a bite out of crime: 24-year-old purse-snatching suspect Mikayla Hull is caught on camera biting the man straddling her, a lawyer named Jonathan Damon

    Searl ran after her but tripped and fell on her face.

    Before Hull could get away, three men apprehended her and pinned her to the ground, with Mr Damon straddling her so she couldn't get up while they waited for police.

    Hull's detainment by the citizen arresters was caught on camera by a passing Grand Rapids Press reporter.

    The video picks up after Hull has been pinned to the ground, and she starts asking to be rolled over and have her hands put behind her back instead of being straddled.

    Ms Searl is also captured laying on the ground after slipping and falling.

    It seems that witnesses believed that Hull hit Ms Searl, and while she admitted to taking the bag, Hull tells Mr Damon that she didn't touch the woman.

    'Dude she's rich, she's eating at a restaurant,' Hull said. 'I didn't break her nose. I snatched her purse. It was sitting on the table. I swear to god I wouldn't hit her.'

    Hull continues to ask to be turned over, but the men refuse and she starts to wiggle in an attempt to break free.

    'You're struggling you should not be struggling because you're going to get hurt,' Mr Damon warns.

    'Alright, you asked for it,' he says before she bites him in the arm.

    Once Hull starts biting, Mr Damon starts punching her in the face until one of the other men tells him to stop.

    'You just assaulted me fool,' she said.

    After Hull was taken into custody by police, Mr Damon spoke with the reporter and seemed to be confused about Hull's gender, referring to her as a 'he' though he can clearly be heard in the video using 'she'.

    Arrested: Police say Hull will be charged with larceny from a person and assault.

    'I was raised to never hit a girl,' he told the Press. 'I was raised at a time when you had no concept of a girl doing that. In the 1950s, girls didn't snatch purses. They wore petticoats.'

    While Mr Damon was praised by the daughter of the victim, he's also received criticism on the web for punching a woman.

    'I know I'm a bleeding heart and all that, but him slugging [the] girl in the head probably could've been avoided. The cops sure wouldn't have gotten away with it,' one commenter wrote.

    After the incident he went to the hospital to treat the bite wound, which he says broke skin. Mr Damon received a tetanus shot and a prescription for antibiotics. Doctors told him to return if the wound becomes infected.

    Hull was taken into custody and a police spokesman said she will be charged with larceny from a person and aggravated assault.

    Police said they would not charge Mr Damon for hitting Hull.

    'I don't think a crime was committed by him,' said Grand Rapids Police Lt Pete McWatters. 'To the contrary, he was defending himself.'

    Paramedics examined Ms Searl on the scene and determined she was uninjured.

    Her daughter, Samantha Searl, posted a comment on about the incident:

    'We want to make sure that everyone knows that she WAS NOT HIT by the thief, but FELL chasing after her. We are very thankful for all those who helped make a citizens arrest and, hopefully, end the thief's career.'

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  • #2
    Hey Monday, meet Mr. Tuesday while we wait for Det. Friday!

    Anyone else picture them letting her go and her running away like the kid in The Arrival?


    • #3
      I admitt, I lol'd when old dude punched he/she/it in the face. But damn the police take forever in grand rapids


      • #4
        Perp- "I'll piss on you!". Honky- "I've been pissed on by a lot better".


        • #5
          Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
          Perp- "I'll piss on you!". Honky- "I've been pissed on by a lot better".

          LOL, forgot about that part. I was chuckling through the whole thing. He handled it pretty well.


          • #6
            Ya know, I'm not a fan of hitting girls at all. I'll make an exception in this case.

            When they quoted that person as saying "the police would not get away with" it/that...

            BS! Bite a cop and see what happens. Not to mention they have cuffs and other things that would help control the bitch.
            Originally posted by MR EDD
            U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


            • #7
              "'I know I'm a bleeding heart and all that, but him slugging [the] girl in the head probably could've been avoided. The cops sure wouldn't have gotten away with it,' one commenter wrote."

              lol what kind of stupid fuck thinks this way? You don't know the police would get away with that? LOL
              "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
              "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


              • #8
                Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                Perp- "I'll piss on you!". Honky- "I've been pissed on by a lot better".
                Since she used a racial slur, would that be a hate crime?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                  Ya know, I'm not a fan of hitting girls at all. I'll make an exception in this case.

                  When they quoted that person as saying "the police would not get away with" it/that...

                  BS! Bite a cop and see what happens. Not to mention they have cuffs and other things that would help control the bitch.
                  My buddy punched a girl that bit him at a Korn concert.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
                    Since she used a racial slur, would that be a hate crime?
                    Negros are incapable of committing hate crimes.

                    Originally posted by SSMAN
                    ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                    • #11
                      Biting in fights 101: Biting in a conflict renders any other rules about common decency null and void. She deserved a broken nose for that shit.


                      • #12
                        nothing wrong with hitting a black girl


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by eastsidetorino View Post
                          Biting in fights 101: Biting in a conflict renders any other rules about common decency null and void. She deserved a broken nose for that shit.
                          100% agree. Human bites are horribly nasty - it's not IF you get an infection, it's HOW BAD will the infection be. Friggin AIDS, Hep and TB are all over the place now. I was at training over the summer and they told us that 50% of the homeless population is TB positive now.


                          • #14
                            And on another positive note, some kid is going to get his bike back too!


                            • #15
                              Where's the marker on the punching? I skipped around and never saw any punching. Not watching it all.

