I went to the Italian car show held at Grapevine this weekend. Pretty good turnout, Had a nice grouping of Panteras too. Here are just a few pics I snapped. The GMG F40 was there too, neat car but it had a ton of flaws for the money spent.
Yeah the F40 is terrible up close. Gas Monkey & "Stuarts" shop weren't the only ones that worked on it either. It sat at a friend's shop for a few weeks. GMG couldn't get the camber/caster figured-out, and it needed a lot of work to make it right. They also dynoed it, but had to wait for the tv cameras. It will be interesting to see whenever that episode airs.
I took a few with my phone. Probably should have taken some of the Lancia Montecristo and the Alfa Romeo Montreal. Here's what I have (phone pics, so they arent so good)