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  • Same antenna system I have on mine....... granted that's only because the new cloverleafs haven't showed. LOL

    Hey, any one of you wanna sell me some props? I want to fly so bad it hurts! I have all my stuff here and cant do shit. None of the Hobby Shops have props but I can use those two blades you have on yours.

    Seriously though, I am willing to drop $80 on fuel to get some $2 props.
    Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


    • Do you guys suggest a specific brand of antennas, or will any cloverleafs do?
      Laser, if you really want to drive to Garland, you can have the other 8 props I have.


      • I Also had a successful maiden this morning. Everything seems to get along well, and it is solid with no unwanted oscillation.


        • Originally posted by WOMACK03 View Post
          Do you guys suggest a specific brand of antennas, or will any cloverleafs do?
          Laser, if you really want to drive to Garland, you can have the other 8 props I have.
          Thanks mang. USPS just updated my shipment from Friday to "Out for delivery" on my props so I should have them today. I just have to be careful as these were the expensive ones and only one set. I normally pay $1 a prop but these were $5 each because I wanted them before Christmas. LOL Guy said he would get them out Monday early and looks like he did.

          As for antennas, most Cloverleafs are the same. Some are uglier than others. I will look it up but some people on RCG swear by one particular cloverleaf. Its like $60 (most are $15-$25) so I probably wont order some and just see how my $15 set does when it gets here.
          But just holding the quad 4' from the vRx it will transmit fuzz if i move it quickly.
          Stock antennas suck.

          Now the more popular ones are the round ones. They look cleaner and are basicly an enclosed cloverleaf. I dont know who makes the best or worst ones. there is a set on ebay thats $20 that i will try out if my cloverleafs are really garbage.
          They were free so i aint complaining even if they dont work well.

          Now if only this wind would die down. My props should be here in a couple hours but I am not practiced enough yet to fly FPV in close quarters (ie neighborhood) in high wind. I can watch the quad directly without issue but I want to do some speed runs so i am gonna head over to University High school. There is a huge fresh mowed field for sale next door with no trees or fences to slam into. LOL Thats where I am gonna hone in my FPV skills before I try to do close quarters racing.
          Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


          • fun from today tried to fly under an awning at the field. It didn't go so well.
            for some reason I can't embed it.

            other than that, here's my Christmas scores.
            From my The Crash Cast secret Santa

            Also got my first FPV quad

            and quickly put it here. lol

            I think I'm going to have to build a acing quad now!


            • I really wanted the Nano FPV but it does not transmit on my radios frequency nor my FPV systems frequency. Its off by .04 GHZ.
              Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


              • So here are some updates on my Storm Racing Drone. Did some minor mods and trying some stuff out. I changed out the short legs for some black 35mm versions because I like to take off and land in grass and this just offers better protection. I also replaced the red aluminum supports for the frame with black ones as I don't really like red.
                I changed out the blue LEDs for white ones from Platinum Hobbies (GREAT guy to do business with) as well as tried out some 5x4 two blade props. Thing has an excellent climb rate with them so after i kill my 120 5x3 3-blades I may switch to these. The white lights also are much better suited for my dusk flights as the cameras picture stays clean and bright well into the darkness. Swapped out the stock antennas for cloverleafs (nice reception gain) and then have just been trying batteries. So far I love these Floureon batteries as I get 6:20 flight time and they use up almost all of their 1500mah capacity (charger says 1440mah charge) before there is a voltage alarm.
                I HATE the Turnigy batteries though. 2 minutes in and I will get a low voltage warning that stops after 5 seconds and then comes back again 2 minutes latter. They only take 800-900mah charges. I don't trust these batteries and feel that may have been why I had my last crash. Was no reason for it to lose power like it did.

                At any rate, here are some pics. Please excuse my potato I take pics with.

                Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


                • the no longer simple FPV bomber next to my 79" Banana Hobby bomber.


                  • I have a revo that I don't run much at all. I asked my kid if he wanted it but he wanted electric version. He didn't want all the maintenance of a nitro truck.
                    Non tapatalk Sig so the butt hurt va-JJs can stop crying about not being able to turn it off.


                    • Originally posted by petyweestraw View Post
                      I have a revo that I don't run much at all. I asked my kid if he wanted it but he wanted electric version. He didn't want all the maintenance of a nitro truck.
                      don't blame him. lol, I'm way to lazy for nitro.


                      • Started working on my second full fuse FPV B-17 the other day.
                        This one has a frSky receiver in it with telemetry. I am setting it up with a pan tilt camera, and retractable landing gear. I want to get more flight time out of it.

                        When I finally start work on my 110" FPV B-17, I'm going to expand on this.
                        I intend to run full bombing missions with it, delivering NERF death to a target on the runway.
                        I'll run two cameras, first being in the pilot seat. I'll use that to take off and fly to altitude. Then I'll switch on the autopilot that will keep me strait and level. At the flip of a switch I’ll drop to a camera in the bombardier’s position. I'll use rudder inputs to line up on the target (just like the real thing) and set myself up for the run. A flip of a switch will open the bomb doors; a click further will drop the bombs. After the drop I'll flip the doors back closed, return to the pilot's seat and relieve the autopilot of its duty. Then it will be all about getting down safely. I can't wait!


                        • Originally posted by petyweestraw View Post
                          I have a revo that I don't run much at all. I asked my kid if he wanted it but he wanted electric version. He didn't want all the maintenance of a nitro truck.
                          I will take it off your hands if you want to sell it for fairly cheap.


                          • Lol what's fairly
                            Non tapatalk Sig so the butt hurt va-JJs can stop crying about not being able to turn it off.


                            • Dollar.
                              Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


                              • For some reason i got a wild hair up my bum and just ordered some hop up parts for my Nano quad. Fresh frame and props and a set of motors that have double the stocks RPM. Like the little bastard wasnt quick enough already to get myself in trouble. LOL
                                Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

